August 5, 2021: History, News, Top Tweets, Social Media & Day Info
What happened on August 5th 2021? CNN fires three employees who went into the office unvaccinated. More events... August 5, 2021 was ... 217th day of the year. There were then …
What Happened on August 5, 2021 - On This Day
What happened on August 5, 2021. Browse historical events, famous birthdays and notable deaths from Aug 5, 2021 or search by date, day or keyword.
2021年8月 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
墨西哥 舉行關於起訴前任總統腐敗罪行的 公民投票 (英语:2021 Mexican corruption trial referendum)。 有人質疑這次公投的必要性,亦批評公投題目的措詞含糊。 [1] 緬甸國家管理委員會 任命主席 敏昂莱 出任 總理 職務,並將緊急狀態延長到2023年8月 [2]。
8月5日 - 百度百科
2012年——北京时间8月5日凌晨,中国选手 陈定 以1小时18分46秒打破奥运会纪录、夺得冠军,为中国田径夺得了在 伦敦奥运会 上的首枚金牌,也为中国男子竞走夺得了历史上首枚奥运 …
How long ago was August 5th 2021? | howlongagogo.com
How long ago was August 5th 2021? August 5th 2021 was 3 years, 7 months and 15 days ago, which is 1,323 days. It was on a Thursday and was in week 31 of 2021. Create a countdown for August 5, 2021 or Share with friends and family.
Portal : Current events/2021 August 5 - Wikipedia
At least 20 Chadian soldiers are killed in an attack by Boko Haram militants during a routine patrol near Lake Chad. (Reuters) The Tigray Defense Forces capture the town and UNESCO heritage of Lalibela in the Amhara Region. (National Post) The Colombian government announces that it has foiled an alleged bomb plot in Bogotá by FARC dissidents.
August 5 - Wikipedia
2021 – Australia 's second most populous state Victoria enters its sixth COVID-19 lockdown, enacting stage four restrictions statewide in reaction to six new COVID-19 cases recorded that …
8月5日疫情防控最新消息! - 中国政府网
自2021年8月5日起,将郑州新郑教育园区正商瑞钻、郑州新郑教育园区小乔社区吉祥公寓、管城区航海东路街道正商蓝钻、金水区东风路街道豫馨苑、金水区丰庆路街道普罗旺世、金水区丰庆路街道中鼎花园、经开区明湖办事处第二大街教学研究室家属院、新密市 ...
2021年8月时事政治热点(国内+国际) - sanxiau.edu.cn
9.2021年8月5日,东京奥运会跳水女子十米台,中国小将全红婵用令人惊叹的“三跳满分”一战成名,拿到金牌。 作为此次中国代表团中年龄最小的运动员,第一次参加国际比赛,以466.20分打破陈若琳此前保持的447.70分的世界纪录。
2021年公历农历日历表,2021年黄历农历表带天干地支,2021万年历阴历阳历日期对照表,2021 …
2021年1月1日 · 本站提供2021年公历农历阴历阳历对照的万年历查询,内容包括:2021年公历农历日历表,2021年黄历农历表带天干地支,2021万年历阴历阳历对照表,2021年老黄历带天干地支表,2021农历老黄历对照表,2021年万年历阴历阳历日期查询表,通胜老黄历2021万年历日期 ...
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