What Happened on August 6, 2019 - On This Day
What happened on August 6, 2019. Browse historical events, famous birthdays and notable deaths from Aug 6, 2019 or search by date, day or keyword.
8月6日 - 百度百科
8月6日是 阳历年 的第218天(闰年 是219天),离一年的结束还有147天。 厉声教 、 方志敏 逝世纪念日。 季羡林 诞辰纪念日。 1399年——燕王 朱棣 起兵北平,以“ 清君侧 ”之名,发动“ 靖难之役 ”。 1726年—— 神圣罗马帝国 和 俄国 缔结反 土耳其 军事联盟。 1806年—— 弗朗西斯二世 正式放弃神圣 罗马帝国 皇位,成为 奥地利 皇帝 弗朗西斯一世,神圣罗马帝国结束。 1890年——美国 纽约州 对杀人犯威廉·凯姆勒执行了首例 电椅 死刑。 1914年—— 奥匈帝国 对俄宣战。 同 …
2019年8月 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
How long ago was August 6th 2019? | howlongagogo.com
August 6th 2019 is the 218th day of 2019 and is on a Tuesday. It falls in week 31 of the year and in Q3 (Quarter). There are 31 days in this month. 2019 is not a leap year, so there are 365 days.
Portal:Current events/2019 August 6 - Wikipedia
U.S. President Donald Trump signs an executive order freezing all assets and interests of the Venezuelan government as contained within the United States, a severe escalation from recent industry sanctions and verbal rhetoric. Twenty-one exceptions are issued, for companies providing services including oil, aid, and telecommunications.
香港修例风波 - 百度百科
2019年8月5日及次日凌晨,激进分子“兵分多路”,袭击全港多区至少十间警署。 在警署外涂鸦辱警字句,向警署和警员投掷硬物以及汽油弹、燃烧弹等,用可伤害视力的“激光笔”照射警员,破坏警车,在街道、警署和多处建筑物等地纵火,剪断电线。
5 things to know for August 6: Mass shootings, US-China trade ... - CNN
2019年8月6日 · People attended a handful of vigils to remember the 22 people killed when a shooter attacked shoppers at a Walmart. People like Jordan and Andre Anchondo. The young couple, with their 2-month-old...
Portal:Current events/August 2019 - Wikipedia
August 2019 was the eighth month of that common year. The month, which began on a Thursday, ended on a Saturday after 31 days. This is an archived version of Wikipedia's Current events Portal from August 2019.
August 2019 Calendar
2 天之前 · View the month calendar of August 2019 Calendar including week numbers. And see for each day the sunrise and sunset in August 2019 Calendar.
大事件盘点:2019年8月中国大事件 - 事件簿
8月9日,华为开发者大会2019在东莞举行。 华为消费者业务CEO、华为技术有限公司常务董事余承东宣布, 推出华为操作系统鸿蒙OS 。 鸿蒙OS是基于微内核的全场景分布式OS。
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