WeGo utilizes three configurations of bus stop: local, rapid, and transit centers. Each configuration represents a specific level of service with differences in the standard amenities, operation, and philosophy.
Maps & Schedules - Ride | WeGo Public Transit
Real-Time Bus Arrival. Show bus location in real time on route and estimate when they will arrive at your stop. Get real-time info
Connecting People | WeGo Public Transit
Nashville MTA offers Nashville and surrounding counties transportation solutions - commuter rail connections, express buses, vanpools, carpools, employer programs.
Buses - Transit Services | WeGo Public Transit
WeGo Public Transit provides 27 local bus routes and nine regional routes. Each type of bus service is designated with a color based on its operation frequency.
Routes | WeGo Public Transit
The site navigation utilizes arrow, enter, escape, and space bar key commands. Left and right arrows move across top level links and expand / close menus in sub levels.
Bus Schedules | WeGo Public Transit
bus schedules. home bus schedules. 3 west end; 4 shelby; 6 lebanon pike; 7 hillsboro; 8 8th avenue south; 9 metrocenter; 14 whites creek; 17 12th avenue south; 18 airport; 19 herman; 22 bordeaux; 23 dickerson pike; 28 meridian; 29 jefferson; 34 opry mills; 41 golden valley; 42 st. cecilia - cumberland; 50 charlotte pike; 52 nolensville pike;
Aug 24, 2023 · construction has started on the individual bus bays. Earlier this week, WeGo hosted a well-attended community meeting across the street from the Center to preview the project and 8.
8:15 8:26 8:35 8:47 9:15 9:26 9:35 9:47 10:15 10:26 10:35 10:47 11:15 11:26 11:35 11:47 18 Airport Take this bus for local service on the return portion of the trip at no extra fare. Bold times denote p.m. hours. This bus operates on Saturdays and the MLK Jr. Holiday only. We strive to connect people to their lives and community, one ride at a ...
What is being done to protect bus drivers? Why did I see my bus driver wearing a mask? Per Metro Pubic Health Department Order No. 8, it is now required for everyone to wear a face covering when riding public transit. All operators have access to latex gloves prior to their shifts that they can wear while they
Dec 1, 2022 · bus routes, and service on 17 routes will be extended until 2:30 a.m. Sunday, January 1, 2023. The WeGo Star special event train will also be available on New Year’s Eve as a safe ride for those celebrating the new year.