Client Match, 802.11k, and 802.11v | Wireless Access - Airheads …
Sep 18, 2014 · 802.11v = "prevents sticky clients" There are sticky clients who like to stay connected to a 10% signal strength that's getting 500kb of bandwidth when a full strength AP is right next to them. (for clients with newer drivers who understand the standard it'll suggest they leave this AP and switch to a better one when the bandwidth gets low ...
How to enable 802.11v - BSS Transition Management on controller ...
Aug 13, 2014 · For 802.11v capable clients, the controller uses the 802.11v BSS Transition message to steer clients to the desired. AP upon receiving a client steer trigger from the AP. 802.11v is selectable in Instant OS 4.1, via Instant 4.1 User Guide, page 109 . Configuring a WLAN SSID for 802.11k Support
Determining if WLAN supports 802.11v | Wireless Water Cooler
May 22, 2015 · Is it possible to determine whether a WLAN supports BSS transition management (part of Wireless network management or 802.11v) from investigating Beacons sent by the AP? Both Fast BSS transition(802.11r) and WLAN Radio Measurements (802.11k) support are contained within Beacon frames sent by the AP.
Client Matchと高速ローミングの関係について | 日本語フォーラム
「ClientMatchは、モニターと制御の機能に802.11kや802.11vを含 む業界標準を利用している」 一方で、Centralでは、高速ローミングの802.11k,v,rはデフォルトで無効になっています。 上記を踏まえたうえで、以下について情報があれば教えて下さい。
Client Roaming concerns | Wireless Access
Nov 15, 2017 · 802.11v may not be the primary concern, 11v is really a "suggestion" to a supporting client exhibiting "sticky" behavior. From the description we're focused on more basic roaming configuration. It sounds like you've set a good roaming environment, if your clients are departing each AP at a good SNR, let's say greater than 20 SNR, excellent ...
802.11k, v, r | Wireless Access - Airheads Community
ClientMatch takes advantage of the 802.11k capabilities but need to be careful when enabling 802.11r which is not supported by most devices , Apple devices do support 802.11r
Client Roaming Success | Cloud Managed Networks
Feb 6, 2024 · I have noticed that on my Aruba Central I have many events related to the client's roaming success. Even in clients who stay in one place. The strangest thing is that for all my networks I have disabled 802.11r, 802.11.k, OKC and 802.11v and only enabled Client Match. This is an IAP solution with Aruba Central.
Client roaming in Aruba Wireless Network
Oct 29, 2020 · Clients in WLAN indeed make their own roaming decision. This decision is not really standardized and some clients may (or will) different than others depending on the algorithm that is implemented. 802.11k allows exchange of channel information between clients and the APs, which helps the client to get a better overview and roaming AP candidates without the …
Controller Based WLANs - Airheads Community
Apr 8, 2015 · For 802.11v capable clients, the controller uses the 802.11v BSS Transition message to steer clients to the desired. AP upon receiving a client steer trigger from the AP. 802.11v is selectable in Instant OS 4.1, via Instant 4.1 User Guide, page 109 . Configuring a WLAN SSID for 802.11k Support
Fast Roaming Options | Wireless Access - Airheads Community
Mar 30, 2018 · For the Fast Roaming option in Aruba OS is there a downside to selecting all 3 options? Can I go ahead and enable 802.11r, 802.11k, and 802.11v? Will this negatively impact my network? 2 floor small business with about 8 APs. (Aruba IAP-205). Thank you