80W-90 - O'Reilly Auto Parts
Maintaining the gear oil in your vehicle is crucial to the life of your manual transmission and differential. If your car is subjected to extreme environments or driving conditions, it may be necessary to change your gear oil more often than your owner's manual recommends.
齿轮油,75w-90. 和80W-90 有什么区别 - 百度知道
75w-90和80W-90的齿轮油唯一的区别是粘度不同: 75w-90的齿轮油在100℃时所达到的运动粘是4.1mm2·s,达到150Pa ·s的最高温度/℃是-40℃。 80W-90的齿轮油在100℃时所达到的运动粘是7.0mm2·s,达到150Pa ·s的最高温度/℃是-26℃。 扩展资料: 齿轮油的重要作用就是在齿轮的齿齿接触面上形成油膜或牢固的吸附膜和化学反应膜,以保证正常的润滑并防止齿面间胶合。 随着咬合方式不同,齿轮上润滑油膜的形式有显著差异。 正、斜和螺旋伞等齿轮齿面上容易形成润 …
75w90和80w90哪个好,75w-90和80w-90区别 - 车主指南
2019年7月4日 · 75w90和80w90属于多级粘度全天候型,两者的区别在于低温粘度差异。 W表示低温型冬用,W前面的数字表示低温粘度,数字越小,粘度越大,低温性能越好;W后面的数字表示高温粘度,数字越大,粘度越大,高温性能越好。 也就是说,75w90和80w90有同等的高温性能,而75w90的低温粘度小,流动性更好,低温性能更强。 75W适用温度可达零下四十五度地区,80W适用温度不低于零下三十五度,明显75w90要更好,更适合冬天气温比较低的地区使用 …
Valvoline High Performance SAE 80W-90 Gear Oil 1 QT
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美孚黑霸王™️齿轮油 80W-90 - Mobil
美孚黑霸王™齿轮油 80W-90是以高性能的基础油和先进的添加剂配方调制而成的商用车辆齿轮油。 这些润滑油专供承受极压和冲击负荷的重负荷车辆的车轴和后桥使用。
STP 80W-90 Conventional Gear Oil 1 Quart - AutoZone
The STP 80W-90 Gear Oil is manufactured from high quality base oils and additives to provide excellent load carrying ability, extreme pressure properties, wear resistance, oxidation stability and protection against rust and corrosion.
Mobilube HD 80W-90 (美孚™️车用齿轮油 80W-90)
美孚™️车用齿轮油 HD 80W-90 是以高性能的基础油和先进的添加剂配方调制而成的商用车辆齿轮油。 这些润滑油专供承受极压和冲击负荷的重负荷车辆的车轴和后桥使用。
Valvoline High Performance 80W-90 Conventional Gear Oil 1 Quart - AutoZone
Valvoline™ High Performance Gear Oil is an extreme pressure gear lubricant formulated with quality base oils and superior additives that helps protect against severe temperatures, shock loads, scuffing, scouring, corrosion and pitting in high speed, high load, high torque and high horsepower conditions.
What Is 80W-90 Gear Oil Used For? (Main Function & Differences)
80W-90 gear oil is a specialized lubricant designed for optimal performance in varying temperatures, primarily in vehicle gearboxes. Its unique viscosity rating ensures smooth gear operations, making it a preferred choice for many automotive applications.
Valvoline High Performance SAE 80W-90 Gear Oil 1 GA
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