Become a Career Recruiter - United States Marine Corps
Those who desire to become a career recruiter and have successfully completed district SNCOIC Course and are certified on the SNCOIC 1, 3, and 6-month evaluation process are eligible to …
8412 - Career Recruiter | mosroadmap.com
Career Recruiters are superior recruiters who will serve to establish a cadre of professional recruiters with long-term assignments in key managerial billets to improve the management …
Career Recruiter Course - United States Marine Corps
2021年1月3日 · (2) Receive all attendee and Leadership Panel names and required student data for each anticipated student from both the 8412 and 8422 MOS monitors. (3) Provide …
2024年10月10日 · HQMC, Marine Corps Recruiting Command (MCRC) approval of 8412 MOS lateral move before the completion of the extension; VSI AIP will terminate the date the lateral …
2012年10月11日 · To highlight the importance of prior service recruiting, the military occupational specialty (MOS) 8412 was designated a primary MOS (PMOS) in October 1995. Since the . …
Recruiting Station Albany - United States Marine Corps
SMCR/IRR Marines who desire to activate for up to three years on Extended Active Duty (EAD) as an 8411 Canvassing Recruiter; with the potential to lateral move to 8412 Career Recruiter. …
2017年9月11日 · During Fiscal Year 2017 (FY17), the Commanding General, Marine Corps Recruiting Command (CG, MCRC) directed the MCRC Headquarters Staff to develop an …
MOS 8412 US Marine Corps Career Recruiter
Career recruiters are superior recruiters who will serve to establish a cadre of professional recruiters with long-term assignments in key managerial billets to improve the management …
Marine Corps COOL
COOL (Credentialing Opportunities On-Line) helps service members find information on certifications and licenses related to their military occupation as well as other supporting …
Military Occupational Specialty | MOS | Marines
Gain direct access to a Marine Recruiter who has fought alongside Marines and is prepared to show you how to become one. The Marines Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) is a system …