The story behind Maggie’s original price tag in ‘The Simpsons’ …
2022年7月8日 · When the iconic cartoon debuted in 1989, the youngest Simpson rang up at $847.63. According to UberFacts on Twitter, the seemingly arbitrary number actually …
The Simpsons: Why The Opening Credits' Cash Register Changes Amount
2019年12月26日 · In the original opening sequence, Maggie is rung up at a price of $847.63. This number wasn’t a random one, and was actually the monthly cost of raising a child back in …
The Simpsons: What The Cash Register Says When Maggie Is …
2024年10月17日 · In classic seasons of The Simpsons, the register flashes with "847.63" when Maggie passes through, and this is an in-joke aimed toward the economists in the audience. …
50 Things You Didn’t Know About ‘The Simpsons’ - NME
2012年4月18日 · Here’s 50 facts about the funniest TV show in history… 1. In the opening scene, Maggie used to ring up on the cash register as $847.63 because in 1989, that was the …
Where is "$847.63" often seen? What is its significance and if it...
2021年5月14日 · However, the price actually displayed in the opening sequence is $847.63, a figure that has never been officially explained but which many sources claim was once offered …
The Simpsons-O-Rama | We deal Simpsons. Big time.
» In the opening credits when Maggie is scanned, she "costs" $847.63, the price of raising a baby for a month. » Thanks to Lisa, the number of female saxophone players in school bands has …
Discover The 847.63 Price Tag On Maggie Simpson! #shorts
Support Channel:Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/OveranalyzingSimpsonsTwitter: twitter.com/ovranlyzsimpson When Maggie is Scanned she comes up for a price ta...
Maggie Costs $847.63 In The Titles (Not Fake) - YouTube
people keep on saying how much maggie costs on the titles i found it i paused it on my simpsons dvdand it said $847.63 its not fake
矿潮遗物,847 板卡式电脑开箱 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
这类板卡通称型号都叫 847,我买到的这种叫 ic847 plus,看日期还挺新,21 年 4 月的。 去海鲜市场搜索:“847 控制板 “,”847 电脑板” 等就有一大堆各种各样的。 这个金手指在单板使用时 …
63式107毫米火箭炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
63式107毫米輪式火箭炮 是 中國人民解放軍 装备的一款牵引式轻型 多管火箭炮,主用于取代 二战 以来的团级的中、重型 迫击炮。 1958年 中華人民共和國第五机械工业部 第847厂开始研制。 …
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