8888 Uprising - Wikipedia
The 8888 Uprising, [a] also known as the People Power Uprising [b] and the 1988 Uprising, [c] was a series of nationwide protests, [9] marches, and riots [10] in Burma (present-day Myanmar) that peaked in August 1988. Key events occurred on 8 August 1988 and therefore it is commonly known as the "8888 Uprising". [11]
History of Myanmar's 8888 Uprising - ThoughtCo
2018年8月24日 · On September 18, 1988, General Saw Maung led a military coup that seized power and declared the harsh martial law. The army used extreme violence to break up demonstrations, killing 1,500 people in just the first week of military rule alone, including monks and schoolchildren. Within two weeks, the 8888 Protest movement had collapsed.
As Myanmar Opens Up, A Look Back On A 1988 Uprising
2013年8月8日 · Until two years ago, Myanmar, also known as Burma, was ruled by the longest-running military dictatorship in the world. In 2010, the military began to loosen its grip on the country, increasing...
8888民主運動 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
8888民主運動 (緬甸語: ၈၈၈၈ အရေးအခင်း),是1988年 緬甸 一場爭取 民主 的大規模民眾運動,「8888」的名稱來自於1988年8月8日的大示威。 在1974年抗議風波後的十幾年, 奈溫 軍政府統治下緬甸的狀況相對平靜,除了1977年的學運以外沒有發生大規模的社會動亂。 但是,在軍政府專制獨裁統治之下,軍政府和民眾之間的緊張關係沒有實質性的緩解。 1985年11月3日, 緬甸軍政府 無預警宣布作廢50和100 緬元 紙幣,另發行新的25緬元紙幣,持有舊幣的民眾僅能 …
Timeline: Myanmar's '8/8/88' Uprising : NPR
2013年8月8日 · Here are some of the major events surrounding the protests in Myanmar, also known as Burma, in the summer of 1988. A general strike on Aug. 8 of that year prompted weeks of protests, which...
8888民主运动 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
8888民主运动 (缅甸语: ၈၈၈၈ အရေးအခင်း),是1988年 缅甸 一场争取 民主 的大规模民众运动,“8888”的名称来自于1988年8月8日的大示威。 在1974年抗议风波后的十几年, 奈温 军政府统治下缅甸的状况相对平静,除了1977年的学运以外没有发生大规模的社会动乱。 但是,在军政府专制独裁统治之下,军政府和民众之间的紧张关系没有实质性的缓解。 1985年11月3日, 缅甸军政府 无预警宣布作废50和100 缅元 纸币,另发行新的25缅元纸币,持有旧币的民众仅能兑换 …
How A Failed Uprising Set The Stage For Myanmar's Future
2018年8月8日 · For six months in 1988, protests swelled across the isolated nation, as hundreds of thousands of citizens participated in a nationwide mutiny, led by disaffected students, against the ruthless...
缅甸民主历程(4): 8888起义 - 美国之音中文网
2012年3月22日 · 奈温哪里知道,这个小小的举措竟然引发了缅甸现代史上最为惨烈的“8888民众起义”,强大的军人政府几乎被冲垮,连这位唯我独尊的独裁者也在这 ...
Burma’s 8888: A Movement that Lives On - Foreign Policy Journal
2013年8月8日 · The 25th anniversary of Myanmar’s historic 8888 Movement is being celebrated in Yangon from August 6 to 8. The event has been organized by leaders of the students’ group now known as the 88 Generation, with donations from the public.
1988年8月8日 · Burma and groups in foreign countries hold ceremonies to mark 23 rd Anniver-sary of ‘ 8888 ‘ uprising day in Burma From Rangoon to Bangkok to Manila to Tokyo to New York to London, demonstra-tors rallied to remember Burma’s roar of uprising protest in 1988 before it was crushed in a wave of killings. Burmese
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