HTS CODE, HTS CODES, harmonized tariff schedule
A free tool to find out HTS CODE HTS NUMBER for US.
8H431 Dell Data and Power Cable - Memory4Less.com
Buy Dell Data and Power Cable 8H431. Find quality data and power cable products at discounted prices.
Harmonized Tariff Schedule - United States International Trade Commission
The Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS) sets out the tariff rates and statistical categories for all merchandise imported into the United States. The HTS is based on the international Harmonized System, which is the global system of nomenclature applied to most world trade in goods.
浩柏國際 (8431.HK) 股價、新聞、報價和記錄 - Yahoo 財經
查看最新的浩柏國際 (8431.HK) 股票報價、記錄、新聞及其他重要資訊,助你賣買股票及投資。
匯鑽科(8431.TWO) 走勢圖 - Yahoo奇摩股市
匯鑽科(8431)去年營收重返成長,隨著Type C接口滲透率持續拉高,今年營運可望穩步上揚,匯鑽科14日持續獲外資法人買超111張,累計已經買超三個交易日,股價位階仍低之下,周五勁揚近8%,以65.7元作收,日K終結連三黑而翻紅。 日 期:2025年03月14日公司名稱:匯鑽科 (8431)主 旨:匯鑽科董事會決議召開114年股東常會相關事宜發言人:俞伯璋說...
HSN Code 8431: Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the ...
Get all 6 digit and 8 digit codes and their GST Rates under HSN Code 8431 Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the machinery of heading 8425 to 8430, n.e.s.
Spare part 566-89-8H431 Sheet (Komatsu) - 777parts.com
Models containing the spare part 566-89-8H431 Sheet Dump Truck. HD325-7 (S/N 7001-UP (ecot3)) HD405-7 (S/N 3001-UP)
ISO 8434-1-2018 中文 - 道客巴巴
内容提示: 国际标准 ISO 8434-1 第三版 2018-07 用于流体动力和一般用途的金属管连接---- 。 第一部分。 24° 锥体连接器 液压和气动传动装置及一般应用的金属管接头 第 1 部分: 24° 的锥形绳索 参考编号 ISO 8434-1:2018 (E) © ISO 2018. 国际标准 ISO 8434-1 第三版 2018-07 用于流体动力和一般用途的金属管连接---- 。 第一部分。 24° 锥体连接器 液压和气动传动装置及一般应用的金属管接头 第 1 部分: 24° 的锥形绳索 参考编号 ISO 8434-1:2018 (E) © ISO 2018. 20 p. 36 p. …
HTS Code: 8431.39.0010 Elevator And Conveyor Parts, Others
Below is a sample of the information available on HTS 8431.39.0010 in Descartes Datamyne's extensive global trade database. For more details, as well as for information on other HTS Codes, click here to contact us, or fill out the form on the right hand side of the screen.
566-89-8H431 Komatsu Sheet - 777parts.org
Buy Komatsu Sheet 566-89-8H431 genuine, new aftermarket tractor parts with delivery