Night Ride - 8kB demo by Ctrl-Alt-Test and Alcatraz - YouTube
Download link: https://ctrl-alt-test.fr/dl/ cat&atz-night_ride.zip GitHub: https://github.com/ctrl-alt-test/moto Discuss on pouet.net: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=98212 Made by: This is a...
8kb Demo by Pooh - Demozoo
8K Intro by Pooh, released 1997
in4k - a website to archive knowledge, tools and resources on how to create demoscene productions such as 1kb, 4kb and 8kb intros.
Teach Yourself Demoscene in 14 Days - GitHub
A demo is usually a group effort. Sceners are typically divided into 3 roles: Graphician - responsible for the artwork, 3d modeling and animations; Musician - composer and producer of the audio soundtrack; Coder - programmer of "effects" and tools that will enable you to get your demo done before the deadline
in4k.github.io | Sample Intros - GitHub Pages
in4k - a website to archive knowledge, tools and resources on how to create demoscene productions such as 1kb, 4kb and 8kb intros.
"metro", an 8KB executable demo (Black Valley 2022) - YouTube
2022年7月20日 · This is a capture of my intro "metro", a ~6.500 bytes Windows executable, released at Black Valley 2022 (ended up 5th place out of 6 entries).This capture is...
How we made an animated movie in 8kB - Ctrl-Alt-Test
2024年1月23日 · The demo consists of around 25 manually crafted camera shots. When creating a shot, we describe how each of 18 parameters varies over time, such as the position of each object, the state of the sheep, the position of the camera, the focal, what the camera is …
C#语言编写的仅有8KB大小的简易贪吃蛇开源游戏 - 追逐时光者
2024年6月29日 · 今天大姚给大家分享一款由C#语言编写的仅有8KB大小的简易贪吃蛇开源游戏:SeeSharpSnake。 该仓库中的项目文件和脚本可以用多种不同的配置构建相同的游戏,每个配置生成的输出大小也不同。 接下来我们使用 dotnet 命令 构建不同大小版本的游戏! 确保已安装 Visual Studio 2019/2022,并在 Windows SDK 中包含 C/C++ 开发工具(我们需要其中的一小部分 - 平台链接器和 Win32 导入库)。 打开“适用于 VS 2019或者VS 2022 的 x64 本机工具 命令提 …
8K Demo Archives - 8K Stock Footage
8K Demo Videos. Click an image to view that video. Each video contains a number of individual clips. You can scroll the video once it has loaded, which can take up to a few minutes. View our rates
移植LVGL到单片机的一个demo简单介绍 - CSDN博客
2023年11月11日 · 官方虽然说LVGL移植平台只需 64kB 闪存和 8kB RAM 就足以满足简单的用户界面。但我移植到stm32f103c8t6,不管怎么修改配置,一直显示内存不够。 LVGL 可以驱动单色OLED、TFT 显示器、监视器或任何其他显示器。
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