8 x 57 R 360 - XXL-Reloading
Reloading data for 8 x 57 R 360 cartridges and specifications for cases and loads in this caliber. Load Data / Description The 8x57 R 360 is a unique and uncommon cartridge that has its …
Reloading Data 8x57R/360 Metallic - Load Data
8x57R/360 reloading data with 5 loads. Using bullets from Lyman 319273 cast, Norma softpoint roundnose, RWS softpoint roundnose. Powders include Alliant, IMR.
Caliber 8 x 57 R 360 Load Data - xxlreloading.com
The 8x57 R 360 is a unique and uncommon cartridge that has its roots in the English Kynoch 2 1/4" 360 Nitro-Express. It is a less powerful 8mm cartridge, with a shot of 12.5 g having a …
Load Data - 8x57R/360
Jacketed bullets at 50 yards, cast bullets at 25 yards. Overall cartridge length, 2.96 inches. All loads used CCI 200 primers. (Handloader Issue 139) Be Alert: Publisher cannot be …
8x57r 360 - AfricaHunting.com
2019年8月21日 · The 8x57r/360 is an obscure and completely different 8mm cartridge than either the 8x57 JR or JRS. It would be like buying a box of 30-06 to try to use in a rifle chambered for …
7.7mm over 57 is it 8x57/360 - German Gun Collectors Association …
2012年5月30日 · It may be both a 8x57IR or a 8x57R360. If it is a "Roux-" = underlever snap action drilling it is most likely an 8x57R360. Make a chamber cast. The 8x57R360 is long out …
8x57R/360 Nitro Express - ACCURATE RELOADING
2002年12月18日 · The 8X57R is simply a duplicate of the old 360 2 1/4" BPE which was first loaded with black powder, and later with somkeless! The factory loads only developed about …
Náboj 8 x 57R/360 - Myslivost
Náboj 8 x 57 R/360 je samostatným nábojem odlišným od 8 x 57 JR. Byl odvozen od britského náboje 360 Black Powder. Průměr střely a délka nábojnice byly převzaty z náboje 8 x 57 JR, …
8x57r360 - Parey Jagdausbildung
2012年9月20日 · Die basis Hülse von der 8x57Rmm 360 ist die 9,3x72Rmm und diese war eine Kopie von der British 360 Nitro Express No.2. Ladung laut RWS ( 196gr SP - 577m/s und …
8x57R/360 - Parey Jagdausbildung
2002年6月3日 · Eine DB 8X57R360 ist in der Hand eines sicheren Schützen eine wunderbare Drückjagdwaffe, hätt ich auch gerne. Unter ausreizung des Max. Druckes von 2450 bar ist …