90108 - Urban Dictionary
2018年6月6日 · A: So what's the zipcode of Dawson's Creek? B: I don't know. A: <sings> 90108... B: ... A: ... B: <sings> 469-2304? Get the 90108 mug. The zipcode of Dawson's Creek. Except …
Everyone knows that the zip code for Beverly Hills is 90210 ... - Reddit
2019年3月4日 · Dawson Creek is set in a fictional town called Cape side, Massachusetts, the ZIP code of which is stated to be 90108, and the the opening themesong of which starts with the lyrics "I don't wanna waitfor our lives to be over." If you say 90108 with the zeros pronounced as 'oh', it fits the same tempo as the "I don't wanna wait" part of the song.
You’ve probably heard this one before! I saw this joke ... - TikTok
TikTok video from Melissa Kristin TV (@melissakristintv): "You’ve probably heard this one before! 😝 I saw this joke circulating with the nostalgia memes lately and it’s genius!! 😂 “we all know the zip code for Beverly Hills is 90210, but Dawson’s Creek? 90108…” love it!!! 😂 ️ #90skids #nostalgia #dawsonscreek #90s #90108 ...
FindThatMeme,梗图搜索神器 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年10月13日 · FindThatMeme是一个梗图搜索引擎,目前已经索引了2100多万个梗图。 使用关键词搜索或者上传相似图片,基本上能够快速搜索到结果。若遇到Meme库里没有的梗图,还可共享上传。 FindThatMeme除了支持梗图搜索外,还支…
外网热门meme原图多源自“know your meme”网站 - 百度贴吧
该表情包源自一张两名男子站在 Beyond Fried Chicken 招牌前的照片,在 2020 年 10 月获得了显著的病毒式传播,尤其是通过重绘。 想成为man! 画高手. Pepe一般被刻画为一只有青蛙头部但人形身体的生物。 Pepe的含义和用途随时间改变,拥有许多变体,包括Feels Good Man(感觉不错蛙)、Sad frog(伤心青蛙、悲伤蛙)、Feels frog(感情青蛙)和"You will never..." frog(“你永远不会⋯⋯”青蛙)等。 想成为man! 画高手. 为什么删帖啊? 我又没放敏感东西. 想成为man! …
#90skids know the official zip code for Dawson’s Creek is 90108.
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We all know the zip code to Beverly Hills, it’s 90210. But ... - Reddit
Hundreds of jokes posted each day, and some of them aren't even reposts! We all know the zip code to Beverly Hills, it’s 90210. But do you remember the one for Dawson’s Creek? Nice. Now I want to know how I can do this with other songs. I have no idea. I feel like an idiot trying to sing these numbers in my head tho.
The zip code for Beverly Hills is 90210. This zip code for ... - Reddit
2019年1月4日 · 90108 is supposed to sound like "I don't want to wait" when it is sung in the show's opening song. 🎶"I don wanna wait... for our livvves to be over"...🎶
#90108 - TikTok
90108 | 947.5K views. Watch the latest videos about #90108 on TikTok.
Dad Joke - Everyone knows that the - jokesfordad.com
Everyone knows that the zip code for Beverly Hills is 90210 thanks to the show, but not as many people know the zip code to Dawson’s Creek. It's 90108...for our lives to be over!