Bra Size Conversion Chart - SizeChart.com
Find your local bra size in the Bra Size Conversion Chart below, and see equivalent bra sizes in other bra sizing systems (countries). Note about cup size: In this bra size conversion chart, all bra sizes start with cup size AA. This will work with most bra models.
女性罩杯及相关计算 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
先了解大陆码,文胸上面数字为65/70/75/80/85/90.....的就是大陆码,也是下胸围大小,单位是公分(厘米),后面跟的字母就是你的罩杯,以间隔5公分为一个码,规定了标准就有一个偏差,以标准+-2公分为基准进行选择文胸的尺码。 假如你下胸围是73cm,那么就是75码,如果是78cm,那么就是80码。 国际码,也就是英式尺码,图上的32/34/36/38/40....就是国际码,单位是英寸,1英寸约为2.54公分,常取2.5,后面跟的字母也是罩杯,他们的对应关系如下. 通过图我们可以求 …
90b胸围相当于是多大?算不算大胸 - 百度知道
2024年5月10日 · 90B指的是下胸围为90厘米,因为罩杯尺寸=上胸围-下胸围,而且B罩杯胸部上胸围与下胸围的差值是12.5厘米左右,所以90B的上胸围为90厘米+12.5厘米=102.5厘米。 上胸围是指以BP点(即乳点bustpoint)为测点,用软尺紧贴身体在水平位置围上一圈所得出的尺寸,下胸围则指用软尺贴着身体在乳房隆起的根部围上一圈得到的尺寸,而上胸围减去下胸围的差就是罩杯尺寸,即罩杯的深度。 罩杯一般用A、B、C等大写英文字母表示,每2.5厘米为一级。 A罩 …
胸围尺码表 - 在线工具大全
例如你的下胸围测量为79厘米,那就是80号,你的上胸围测量为92厘米,两数相减得13厘米,那就是B杯,把二者放在一起, 你应该戴的文胸尺码为 80B(国际尺码)或者 36B(欧洲尺码)。
International bra size conversion table - MS Pomelo
Ever wondered about your bra size equivalent in France or the US? Or are you an Australian shopping for bras in the UK? Here is our international bra size conversion table to help you …
US to EU Bra Size (EU to US Bra size) - SizeChart.com
With our US to European Bra Size Converter you can easily convert between US and European bra size. Need to determine your local bra size before converting? See how to measure and determine US Bra Size or EU Bra Size. Convert bra size between more countries? See our complete Bra Size Conversion Chart to convert between all size systems.
Bra size guide - Find the right size for your new bra - Zizzi
All you need to find your measurements is a tape measure and a well-fitting bra. Make sure to choose an unpadded bra that is secure but not tight. Once you have entered your measurements, click on "Calculate your size" and you’ll be able to see …
b罩杯有多大图片 胸罩罩杯尺寸说明表 - 网易
2017年4月14日 · 例:你的下胸围量得为79,那就是80号,你的上胸围量得为92,两数相减得13cm,那就是B杯,把二者放在一起,恭喜您,您应该戴的胸罩为80B。 如果您的上围 …
US and Foreign Bra Sizes - FINALLYBRA
Use the bra size conversion chart to convert US bra sizes into the UK, European, Australian, French, and Italian bra sizes.
Lingerie International sizing charts - Chez Mademoiselle
How to determine your size : This table summarizes the equivalent for the Chest Sizes, across countries. Chest Size refers to the number prefixing bra size (for example : French size 90B à Chest Size is 90). The cup sizes refer to the letter appending bra size (for example, size 95D à cup size is indicated by the letter 'D').
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