90 mm gun M1/M2/M3 - Wikipedia
The 90 mm gun M1/M2/M3 was an American heavy anti-aircraft and anti-tank gun, playing a role similar to the German 8.8cm Flak 18. It had a 3.5 in (90 mm) diameter bore, and a 50 caliber barrel, giving it a length of 15 ft (4.6 m).
90 mm Gun M1/M2/M3 - Military Wiki
The American 90 mm gun served as a primary heavy anti-aircraft and anti-tank gun, playing a role similar to the renowned German 88 mm gun. It was the US's primary anti-aircraft gun from just prior to the opening of World War II into the 1950s, when most anti …
M67 recoilless rifle - Wikipedia
The M67 recoilless rifle is a 90 mm (3.55 inch) anti-tank recoilless rifle made in the United States and later in South Korea. It could also be employed in an anti-personnel role with the use of the M590 antipersonnel round.
美国90毫米炮进化史#3 偏锋 - 哔哩哔哩
本文将叙说90毫米主炮的进一步演变。 改装完成的T26E4一号车. 1945年,美军决定开发一门能够与88毫米L71 PAK43匹敌的反坦克炮。 于是,陆军开发了T15反坦克炮。 T15反坦克炮拥有70倍的倍径和很高的初速(APBC T43为975m/s,HVAP T44为1143m/s),此炮发射的T43APBC,能够在2376米的距离上彻底贯穿黑豹的首上装甲。 虎王等德军重装甲战车的存在也让美军越来越需要更好的主炮,因此,1945年3月,经过一些修改产生的的T15E1被装在T26E1一号车(这辆坦 …
【白鹰利剑】美国90mm火炮及其载体与钢铁洪流的甲弹对抗 - 哔 …
2022年1月31日 · 通过加膛压(膛压从M3A1的38000psi猛增至T119的47000psi)的方式,美国开发出新一代90mm火炮—T119。 T119E1被定型为M36,并被安装在M47上。 不久后,轻量化的新90—T139问世,并被定型为M41,安装在M48上。 M36,M41等火炮发射M318(即T33E7,不过T33也被称作M318。 T33和T33E7攻击大倾角效果基本相当)初速为3000fps,发射M332初速为4100fps(也有数据为4050fps,实际上美军不同的文档里有时初速数据会有几十fps左右的差 …
90-mm Cartridges - GlobalSecurity.org
With an altitude capability of 30,000 feet and a range of 14 miles, the 90mm gun was a proven performer that had scored numerous kills during the Second World War, especially when it was linked...
US M2 90mm Anti Aircraft Gun Historical Marker
2021年9月9日 · The US Army standardized the M1 90mm anti aircraft gun in 1940 and steadily improved its design in the first two years of the US involvement in WWII. By 1943, however it was determined that a more versatile weapon was needed. The M1 was a single-purpose weapon and could not be used in the anti-tank role.
Guns: The American Solution To The German 88 – The 90mm Gun …
2018年8月17日 · The 90mm M3 gun used on the M36 was an American heavy anti-aircraft and anti-tank gun, it had a similar role to the German 8.8cm Flack 18. The M3 was a scarily powerful gun that could penetrate 9 inches of armour at 1000 yards – when using APFSDS (armour piercing fin stabilised discarding sabot).
M1A1 90mm Anti-Aircraft Gun Historical Marker
2011年2月18日 · Replacing the aging 3-inch gun as the staple of Army heavy antiaircraft artillery at the dawn of the war, the 90mm gun went on to earn a well deserved place among the finest artillery pieces fielded by the Allies in World War II.
90mm gun M1/M2/M3 - commanderstech.net
The 90mm gun series (M1, M2, and M3) was a family of American-made heavy artillery pieces primarily developed as anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons during World War II. Introduced in 1940, the original M1 model featured a powerful 90 mm caliber capable of firing high-velocity shells to intercept high-altitude bombers.