91APP 零售解決方案
91app 提供網路開店 + 門市虛實融合 omo + 會員 crm 等解決方案,為零售品牌打造包含購物官網與雙系統、購物 app、門市等全通路銷售解決方案,整合線上線下 crm 會員,實現品牌網路 + 門市虛實融合 omo,適合網路開店、電商品牌、連鎖門市等零售業者。
Home | 91APP
Dedicated EC WEB / APP deployment for diverse consumer scenarios; OMO driving omni-channel brand growth; Personalized marketing and exclusive offers; Influencer and group buying social marketing to boost conversion; Diverse promotional activities to enhance member repurchase; Omni-channel inventory and order management
關於我們 | 91APP
2022年01月:91app所開發之app通過「行動應用資安聯盟」訂定之「行動應用app基本資安標章」最高l3交易等級標章; 2021年12月:獨創「門市推薦人」獎勵績效機制,取得「多銷售通路服務的績效管理方法與系統」發明專利
About 91APP | 91APP
Jan. 2022 The app developed by 91APP has passed the highest L3 transaction level mark of the “Mobile App Basic Information Security Mark” stipulated by the “Mobile App Information Security Alliance.”
方案與服務總覽 | 91APP
整合門市、官網、app、line 多元流量來源、交易行為、crm、訂單與營運管理等,產生有價值的商業決策。
91APP Commerce Cloud - 91APP 品牌新零售
擁有 70% 回購率的品牌 App,憑藉購物體驗、推播通知、數據累積等優勢,為整體線上業績帶進 60% 銷售佔比。 第一方數據最大化驅動會員商機 內建品牌數據資產,分析真實消費行為,協助品牌精準掌握 80% 營收來自 20% VIP 顧客的分群行銷,持續邁向成長。
Retail Digital Transformation | 91APP
Brands must adopt a retail mindset to achieve omni-channel integration and brand growth. 91APP Comprehensive Business Model integrates retail and e-Commerce resources to create business value, enhances marketing effectiveness through omni-channel data, and drives brand growth by leveraging the “Commerce x Marketing” cycle to maximize omni-channel value.
Newsroom | 91APP
Founded in 2013, 91APP is Taiwan’s first publicly listed SaaS company (stock code 6741) and a leading brand in D2C (Direct-to-Consumer) and OMO (Offline-Merge-Online / Online-Merge-Offline / Offline and Online Merge Together).Headquartered in Taiwan, with operational bases in Hong Kong and Malaysia, 91APP boasts a team of over 600 talented professionals.In 2021, 91APP was named one of Taiwan ...
91APP Commerce Cloud - 91APP 品牌新零售
Create a custom website and app with flexible page layout modules tailored to your brand’s style. Support sales of virtual/physical products, e-tickets, and dining reservation modules.
Employ different strategies for brand website, App, and LINE; Manage different customer segments
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