Ponds | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Specializing in military reconnaissance, Ponds was the commander of Lightning Squadron, a unit of Advanced Recon Force Scout Troopers in the 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps.
91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Early during the war, the 91st participated in the Battle of Ryloth, when Jedi General Mace Windu, alongside Clone Commander Ponds, led their forces to attempt to liberate the capital of Lessu City. En route to Ryloth 's capital city on a cliff, General Windu's armored forces came under attack by a group of Armored Assault Tanks while ...
Ponds - Clone Wiki | Fandom
Ponds, born CT-411, [note 1] was a clone commander under High Jedi General Mace Windu who served in the 91st Reconnaissance Corps. He went to Ryloth to help the Twi'leks' planet escape capture from Wat Tambor. Afterwards, Ponds participated in the Battle of Malastare.
All Identified Clone Troopers of the 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps
2017年4月23日 · CT-411, CC-6454 or simply "Ponds", was a commander in the Grand Army of the Republic. Ponds was first deployed, like many of his clone brethren, during the First Battle of Geonosis. He later fought during the battle of Ryloth.
91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps | Clone Wiki | Fandom
91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps were a division of clone troopers that served the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. The 91st Reconnaissance Corps was comprised of of clone and ARF troopers in divisions, such as Lightning Squadron.
Ponds - The Clone Wars
Ponds, officially known as CT-411, was a clone commander who fought for the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. He served under Mace Windu and Admiral Killian in numerous battles, such as on Ryloth and Malastare. He was the leader of a small squad of AT-RT -mounted ARF troopers known as Lightning Squadron.
Lightning Squadron | Clone Wiki - Fandom
Lightning Squadron was a unit of clone troopers within the 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps that served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. In 32 BBY, Lightning Squadron was commissioned, alongside the rest of the Grand Army of the Republic.[1]
All Commander Ponds scenes - Ep. 2, The Clone Wars - YouTube
Every scene where appears clone commander Ponds of the 91st reconnaissance corps serving under jedi general Mace Windu.#starwars #clonewars #theclonewars #cl...
Commander Ponds – GCC - blueharvestbricks.com
Commander Ponds minifigure includes: Printed Official LEGO® Helmet; Printed Official LEGO® Body; Printed GCC Kama
MY COLLECTION | UNIT PAGE - 91st Reconnaissance Corps
2022年10月2日 · The 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps, also known as the 91st Reconnaissance Corps was a corps of recon troopers in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Comprising divisions of clone troopers, BARC troopers, and ARF troopers the 91st Reconnaissance Corps was led by Clone Commander Ponds and later by Clone marshal commander Neyo.