Q&A: Troubleshooting 93 Ford Pickup Hesitation Issues - JustAnswer
Customer: 93' Ford 5.0 pickup, hesitates when you step on the gas real bad. Things that have been replaced; injectors, spark plugs, pickup coil, rotor, cap, map sensor, fuel pressure regulator sensor, timing's good, new computer, plug wires tested and good, fuel pressure checks out, fuel filter, vacuum system test good. What else could be the ...
Diagnosing cruise control on a 93 ford pickup - JustAnswer
Customer: Diagnosing cruise control on a 93 ford pickup. Answered by Shawn in 24 mins 13 years ago. Shawn.
I have a '93 F250 pickup with a 5.8L fan motor. When it is first ...
Customer: I have a '93 F250 pickup with a 5.8L fij motor. When it is first started, in the morning, it doesn't want to stay running. It lopes and will die if I don't give it gas ocassionally. If I rev the engine, it runs fine untill I take my foot off the gas or the engine warms up.
I have a 93 Ford F250 pickup that has a 7.3 diesel engine
93 F250 Turbo Diesel, Direct Injection; my son's pickup has a fuel leak at the lower, front of the engine (passenger's Ray M. 30+ years in trade, Ford Master Tech, Journeyman Automotive Tech
Q&A: 93 Dodge Diesel Pickup - Troubleshooting and Solutions
Customer: Have a 93 Dodge diesel pickup. The wait to start light stays on. Recently, after running truck for 2.5 hours continuously, truck would not allow me to drive over 50mph. After another 2 hours, all lights went out and truck killed.
Q&A: 1993 FORD F150 IGNITION SWITCH REPLACEMENT & PROBLEMS. NOTE: The following procedure applies to vehicles in which the ignition lock is inoperative and the lock cylinder cannot be rotated due to a lost or broken lock cylinder key, unknown key number, or a lock cylinder cap that has been damaged and I or broken to the extent that the lock cylinder cannot be rotated.
Q&A: Diagnosing Odometer Issues on a '93 Dodge D350 Pickup
Customer: How do you diagnose an odometer on a 93 Dodge D350 pickup. Speedometer works but no odometer at all. Speedometer works but no odometer at all. Answered by moparfl in 55 mins 15 years ago
We are having issues with our 93 pickup not getting power
I have a 93 GMC K1500 pickup that wont go forward or backwar... I would like a wiring diagram for a 1996 Toyota T100 (3.4 V6 ... Nisson Pickup truck: The high mounted exterior lights will n ...
93 toyota pickup runs good for at first then stalls. turn key off staat up run good at first then stalls ...
Ford F350 4x4: 7.3 & 460 Coolant Temp Sensor Location Q&A | Just
93 ford f350 w/460. engine will only run while pumping throttle. no codes while running, map sensor code w/eng off. ASEMaster35yrs ASE Certified since 1972,Master Auto tech,Heavy Truck,worked on all makes and models