OCP temperature sensor N70b1 | Mercedes-Benz Forum
2024年8月31日 · I’ve managed to locate that AC module sees about 97oC signal from OCP and 23oC from dash sensor. Going to the OCP module, the sensor itself senses good temperature. Confirmed it with diagnostic and physically. Something is wrong with the communication between these two modules, does anyone have a diagram?
Need Help with A/C diag. | Mercedes-Benz Forum
2009年7月29日 · Depending on options the passenger cabin temp sensor (s) could be in the overhead console or right on front of the AC console controls. It looks like a little grill with slots in it. It is behind there. Thanks so much. I believe N70b1 is malfunction.
In-car air temperature sensor | Mercedes-Benz Forum
2011年8月4日 · You are quite right wrt to the average reading of the 2 sensors being used. This is only when the exterior temp is > 10degC. Otherwise only the sensor in the Overhead Control Panel control module (N70b1) is read. I think that you should first try the A/C reset procedure.
Gunter repairs the AC system in his car for $1 for the In Car ...
today we fix one of the most common HVAC system problems in the w220 and w215 with the In Car Temperature Sensor (N70b1) in Overhead Control Panel (OCP) (N70...
2010 Mercedes c300 Radiator fan problem - MHH AUTO - Page 1
2018年5月31日 · It doesn't matter if the engine is hot or cold the same thing happens, AC is off. the coolant temperature sensor shows proper temperature of the engine. AC is charged to the proper value. there are no errors in the car. can anyone guide me in the right direction as to fix this problem? You have a problem with the engine control module.
奔驰空调不工作,报N70b1,是哪里问题_奔驰_奔驰E级 _汽车大师
说故障码的内容 奔驰空调报故障N70b1 空调不工作 读数据室内温度传感器一个29度一个负127度 我就想知道N70b1是哪一个温度传感 ...
Overhead Control Panel (OCP) (N70) - W220 S-Class Encyclopedia
Parameter NR.01: In Car Temperature Sensor (N70/b1), ACC Overhead Control Panel (OCP) (N70) should indicate the in cabin air temperature near the roof of the vehicle, eg 27C. If it reads 0C and the cabin is not freezing then there is a fault. The solution is to test the thermistor and aspirator function and then if necessary replace it.
n70b1带集成风扇的温度传感器,数据流是负127_奔驰_奔驰C级 _ …
N70b1 温度传感器位于车顶控制板内,是集成部件,无法单独更换。 该故障建议先尝试更新空调电脑和发动机电脑的软件。
Mercedes-Benz GLE, GLC, GLS, GLA, GLK, ML, GL, G, X, GLG
Anyone know where the 974 n70b1 integrated fan temperature sensor is located on a glk350? I found the one in the upper light console and the one near the...
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In-car Temperature Sensors (N70b1) and (N22b1) The two in-car temperature sensor values are averaged unless the outside temperature sensor (B14) is reading under 50°F, then only the N70b1 is used for cabin temperature regulation. An open sunroof in this case can cause excessive heating complaints due to cool air swirling around N70b1.