Multi-Pair Cable - 9841NH - Belden
RS-485, POS; Computer communications; Low Voltage Analog Signals (4-20ma, 0-10v, ...); Low Voltage Digital Control (24v, …); Line Level Audio; Panel Wiring; serial communication (RS-485 standard) comprising of PLCs, VFDs, HMIs, motors, RTU, SCADA, etc. within noisy environments over long distance, etc. Nom. Velocity of Prop. Max. Current. Max.
RS-485, POS; Computer communications; Low Voltage Analog Signals (4-20ma, 0-10v, ...); Low Voltage Digital Control (24v, ...); Line Level Audio; Panel Wiring; serial communication (RS-485 standard) comprising of PLCs, VFDs, HMIs, motors, RTU, SCADA, etc. within noisy environments over long distance, etc. Nom. Velocity of Prop. Max. Current. Max.
9841NH - Industrial Protocol / Data Bus Cable - Belden
9841NH - RS-485, 1 Pr #24 Str TC, PO Ins, OS+TC Brd, LSZH Jkt, Dca RS-485, 1 Pair 24AWG (7x32) Tinned Copper, PO Insulation, Overall Beldfoil®+Tinned Copper Braid(90%) Shield, LSZH Outer Jacket, CPR Dca
9841NH Multi-Conductor - GreenChoice Multi Conductor All sales of Belden products are subject to Belden's standard terms and conditions of sale. Belden believes this product to be in compliance with EU RoHS (Directive 2002/95/EC, 27-Jan-2003).
9841NH 0601000 - BELDEN - Cable, 24 AWG, 1 | Anixter
Liftgate - Freight carrier provides liftgate service, if needed, to load and unload a shipment when loading/unloading docks are not available. Limited Access Locations - A limited access location is a site where pickup or delivery is restricted or limited.
9841NH.00305 | Belden 9841NH Series Data Cable, 1 Pairs, 2 …
Buy Belden 9841NH Series Data Cable, 1 Pairs, 2 Cores, 0.2 mm², Screened, 24 AWG, 305m, Aluminium Foil-PET Tape, Tinned 9841NH.00305. Browse our latest Twisted Pair & Multicore Data Cable offers. Free Next Day Delivery available.
Part Number: 9841NH Audio, Control and Instrumentation Cable Individually Shielded Pairs, RS-485 Product Description 24 AWG stranded (7x32) tinned copper conductors, polyethylene insulation, twisted pair, overall Beldfoil® (100% coverage) + TC braid shield (90% coverage), 24 AWG stranded TC drain wire, LSZH jacket. Technical Specifications
9841NH 0601000 Belden Inc. | 纜線、電線 | DigiKey
Belden Inc. 的 9841NH 0601000 – 2 (1 對雙絞線) 條導線 多導線 電纜 鉻 24 AWG 箔、編線 1000.0' (304.8m)。 DigiKey 提供數百萬款電子元件的價格及供貨情況。
9841NH 0601000 Belden Inc. | 电缆,电线 | DigiKey
来自 Belden Inc. 的 9841NH 0601000 – 2(1 对双绞线) 芯 多芯 线缆 铬 24 AWG 箔,编织线 1000.0'(304.8m)。 Digi-Key Electronics 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价和供应信息。
9841NH.00305 BELDEN, Multipair Cable, Computer, RS-485, LSZH …
The 9841NH is a 1000ft 1-pair GreenChoice chrome Multi-conductor Cable with polyethylene insulation, tinned copper conductors, tinned copper drain wire and low smoke zero halogen (LSZH) jacket. The multi-conductor cable features Beldfoil® aluminium foil-polyester tape (100% coverage) and tinned copper braid shield (90% coverage).
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