派克 Balston 一次性过滤装置提供超细纤维滤芯的优点,包括高效的液体和气体的过滤,以及整体抛弃的经济性和便捷性。 - 液体样品分析仪的过滤。
Balston DFU过滤单元过滤器及滤芯-美国派克汉尼汾公司中国区域 …
4433-05-BK,9933-03-BQ ,4433-05-DQ,9933-03-DQ ,8822-11-BX,9933-05-000 ,8822-11-DX,9933-05-101 ,8833-11-BX,9933-05-102 ,8833-11-CX,9933-05-103 ...
Obtain detailed recommendations from our Technical Support staff at 800-343-4048. DFU 9933-05-AQ (or others with Nylon housings) may be sterilized with ethylene oxide or by autoclaving to 230°F (110°C). For autoclaving to 275°F (135°C), use …
Balston Microfibre 可抛弃过滤器单元(DFU)和吸附单元(DAU) …
1 DFU 9933-05-AQ (or others with Nylon housings) may be sterilized with ethylene oxide or by autoclaving to 230°F (110°C). For autoclaving to 275°F (135°C), use DFU 9922-05-AQ (or others with PVDF housings). 2 If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Technical Services Department at 800-343-4048, 8AM to 5PM Eastern Time or ...
Balston brand disposable filter units (DFU) consist of a microfi-bre filter cartridge permanently bonded into a sealed plastic holder with 125 psig pressure ratings, temperatures to 275°F, and available in low and high flow models.
Parker Balston Disposable Filter Units
Parker Balston disposable filter units offer all the advantages of microfibre filter cartridges for high efficiency liquid and gas filtration combined with the economics and convenience of complete disposability. ... Disposable membrane assemblies for critical high purity gases.
Models 9922-11 and 9933-11 are used for applications similar to the smaller DFUs (Models 9922-05 and 9933-05), which require greater solids holding capacity and can tolerate the increased retention time. These disposable filter units are used as continuous coalescing filters with a third port serving as the drain, slipstream, or by-pass port.
PARKER BALSTON派克正品气体过滤器 滤芯 滤清器9933-11-000现货
派克Balston 一次性过滤装置提供所有超细纤维滤芯的优点,包括高效的液体和气体的过滤,以及整体抛弃的经济性和便捷性。 派克 Balston 一次性过滤装置提供所有超细纤维滤芯的优点,包括高效的液体和气体的过滤,以及整体抛弃的经济性和便捷性。 - 液体样品分析仪的过滤。 13235338520 0533-3070546 淄博鼎科贸易有限公司,高端技术,原装产品,优质服务,是您进口液压过滤产品的忠实合作伙伴。 内容声明:阿里巴巴中国站为第三方交易平台及互联网信息 …
美国热电 CEMS 过滤器 CEM过滤器 9933-11-BQ - 1688.com
替代Parker派克一次性过滤器9922-11-AQ这款高精度过滤器没有现货,货期6-8周。 Parker派克Balston一次性过滤器单元具有用于高效液体和气体过滤的超细纤维滤芯的所有优点,并具有经济性和完全一次性使用的便利性。 派克Balston 一次性过滤装置具备所有超细纤维滤芯的优点,包括高效的液体和气体的过滤,以及整体抛弃的经济性和便捷性。 派克 Balston 一次性过滤装置提供所有超细纤维滤芯的优点,包括高效的液体和气体的过滤,以及整体抛弃的经济性和便捷性。
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