一文带你读懂:99mTc-PYP在ATTR-CA诊断中的应用 - 网易
2024年12月22日 · 99mTc磷酸盐衍生物显像是一种无创性检查,其操作简便,准确性高,对于CA的诊断及分型有较高的灵敏度和特异性,在一定程度上可替代活检,并且可进行疗效和预后评估。 99mTc磷酸盐衍生物最早在核医学显像中主要用于进行骨显像及急性心梗显像。 上世纪80年代初,有病例报告显示CA患者的心脏对99mTc-焦磷酸盐(99mTc-PYP)有独特的摄取模式,当与其他无创检查结果相结合时有助于CA的诊断 [4]。 2016年一项多中心的临床研究结果明确 …
99mTc-PYP显像老方法新用途:ATTR-CM的早期诊断 - 网易
2023年3月24日 · 99mtc-pyp显像是一种既往被应用于骨成像的检查方法,因焦磷酸盐(及其衍生物)被发现可结合心脏中转甲状腺素蛋白内的钙成分而被应用于attr-cm的诊断。
心脏淀粉样变的辅助检查6——骨亲和性放射性示踪剂心脏显像详 …
2023年9月21日 · 常见原因是将心血池活性误认为心肌摄取,多见于应用99mTc-PYP示踪剂,采用平面成像方法的1h扫描方案。根据肋骨是否摄取示踪剂可以评估扫描时间是否恰当(图5),如果肋骨未摄取示踪剂,提示扫描时间过早。
TechnescanTM PYPTM (Kit for the Preparation of Technetium Tc 99m Pyrophosphate Injection) is a sterile, non-pyrogenic, diagnostic radiopharmaceutical suitable for intravenous administration after...
99mTechnetium‐pyrophosphate scintigraphy: a practical guide for …
2022年6月6日 · 99m Tc-PYP scintigraphy can be considered with a high priority when a patient presents with an elevated level (≥0.0308 ng/mL) of hs-cTnT, increased left ventricular posterior wall thickness (≥13.6 mm), and wide QRS (≥120 ms); the 99m Tc-PYP positivity rates were 96%, 63%, 21%, and 13% when 3, 2, 1, and no criteria were met, respectively ...
Efficient 1-Hour Technetium-99 m Pyrophosphate Imaging …
2020年2月17日 · Technetium-99 m pyrophosphate (Tc-99 m PYP) scintigraphy is highly accurate for the diagnosis of transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis (ATTR CA), with a positive predictive value of 100% when concomitant serum and urine studies for light-chain AL amyloidosis (AL CA) are negative. 1 This ability to make a confirmed diagnosis of ATTR CA noninvasively ...
99mTc-PYP SPECT and SPECT/CT quantitation for diagnosing …
Background: We investigated quantitative 99m Tc-pyrophosphate (PYP) SPECT/CT reproducibility and accuracy for diagnosing cardiac transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR), and whether SPECT/CT improved visual and quantitative results compared to SPECT-only.
浅谈99Tcm-PYP心肌核素显像技术在ATTR-CM诊断中的重要地位及 …
2022年6月3日 · 随着99Tcm-PYP心肌核素显像技术的深入开展,核医学为ATTR-CM患者提供了一种除心内膜心肌活检以外的无创性诊断方式,能够更加高效和准确地诊断ATTR-CM。 近日,本报特邀复旦大学附属中山医院石洪成教授进行专访,结合临床诊疗经验,介绍核医学及99Tcm-PYP等检查手段在ATTR-CM诊断领域的重要价值。 本文特整理采访精要,与各位读者共赏。 论坛报:ATTR-CM的诊断是临床面临的一大难点和痛点。 对此,核医学99Tcm-PYP核素扫描技术可 …
Tc-99m-PYP imaging for cardiac amyloidosis: Defining the
2020年7月16日 · The 99mTc-PYP dose in published studies has varied from 10 to 25 mCi and the most recent ASNC guidelines recommend 10-20 mCi. Once injected, 99mTc-PYP is cleared from the blood pool at a variable rate that is dependent, in part, on bone metabolism and renal function.
锝 99 Tc m 焦磷酸盐( 99 Tc m -PYP)单光子显像诊断转甲状腺素相 …
转甲状腺素蛋白相关淀粉样心肌病 (transthyretin-related amyloid cardiomyopathy,ATTR-CM)是由于转甲状腺素前体蛋白错误折叠形成的不溶性淀粉样纤维沉积于心肌细胞间隙所致的病变。 该病变可导致心肌功能障碍、充血性心力衰竭和死亡。 若能对该病变进行早期临床明确诊断,可以尽早对病患使用药物治疗,干预病情进展,从而有效改善患者预后。
99mTc-焦磷酸盐心肌淀粉样变性的检查 - 中国核技术网
2022年4月1日 · 重医附二院核医学科常规开展99mTc-PYP心肌淀粉样变显像,旨在用价格低廉、简便及敏感性高的方法诊断罕见疾病,提高临床医生对该疾病的认识,进而让患者早诊断、早治疗,服务于病患。
The Accuracy of Technetium-99 m Pyrophosphate Imaging in
2025年1月23日 · This review evaluates recent advancements in Technetium-99 m pyrophosphate (99mTc-PYP) imaging for transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM). We summarize the advantages of single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) over planar imaging, the potential impact of quantitative methods, and emerging data for quantifying response to therapy.
Assessment of cardiac amyloidosis with 99mTc-pyrophosphate (PYP ...
99m Tc-PYP scintigraphy provides differential diagnosis of ATTR cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM) from light chain cardiac amyloidosis and other myocardial disorders without biopsy. This study was aimed to assess the diagnostic feasibility and the operator reproducibility of 99m Tc-PYP quantitative SPECT.
99mTc-PYP SPECT and SPECT/CT quantitation for diagnosing …
2023年6月1日 · We investigated quantitative 99m Tc-pyrophosphate (PYP) SPECT/CT reproducibility and accuracy for diagnosing cardiac transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR), and whether SPECT/CT improved visual and quantitative results compared to SPECT-only. Data were reviewed for 318 patients with suspected ATTR who underwent PYP SPECT/CT.
Cardiac Scintigraphy With Technetium-99m-Labeled Bone …
Initial small studies of 99m Tc-PYP, 99m Tc-DPD, and 99m Tc-HMDP reported high sensitivity and specificity of myocardial radiotracer uptake in patients with biopsy-proven ATTR-CM compared with other causes of cardiomyopathy or individuals without …
99mTc-Pyrophosphate Scintigraphy for Differentiating Light …
2013年2月11日 · Differentiating immunoglobulin light-chain (AL) from transthyretin-related cardiac amyloidoses (ATTR) is imperative given implications for prognosis, therapy, and genetic counseling. We validated the discriminatory ability of 99m Tc-pyrophosphate (99m Tc-PYP) scintigraphy in AL versus ATTR.
进行99mTc-PYP检查的ATTR-CM患者中的轻链检查异常 - 网易
2024年2月19日 · 本研究旨在分析ATTR-CM患者中PCD检测异常数据模式,为 99m Tc-PYP诊断应用于此类病人给出一定提示。 美国波士顿一家医院2014年10月到2019年1月间,因疑似ATTR-CM进行99mTc-PYP成像共378例患者。 图1. 淀粉样蛋白诊断筛选流程图. (1)排除PCD检查正常的患者。 (2)数据不完整、失访,或者已诊断为AL,或者少是多发性骨髓瘤的患者。 视觉评分 2-3 分和(或)1小时H/CL评分>1.5分 以及断层显像阳性。 b.腹部脂肪抽吸刚果红染色阴性。 …
Assessment of cardiac amyloidosis with 99mTc-pyrophosphate (PYP …
2021年1月7日 · 99mTc-PYP scintigraphy provides differential diagnosis of ATTR cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM) from light chain cardiac amyloidosis and other myocardial disorders without biopsy. This study was aimed to assess the diagnostic feasibility and the operator reproducibility of 99mTc-PYP quantitative SPECT.
99mTc Pyrophosphate (PYP) imaging Transthyretin Cardiac …
2019年5月1日 · Objectives: Historically, 99mTc PYP is a nuclear medicine radiopharmaceutical bone imaging agent. Recently it has been found that 99m Tc PYP can also be used to image for Transthyretin Cardiac Amyloidosis which can cause heart …
心アミロイドーシスという病気では、アミロイドというたんぱく質が心筋に沈着します。沈着したアミロイドに99mTc-PYPというお薬が集積することで病気を判別します。 また、201Tlというお薬を使って心筋血流の評価も同時に行うことができます。