BM-30 Smerch - Wikipedia
The BM-30 Smerch (Russian: Смерч, lit. 'tornado', 'whirlwind'), 9K58 Smerch or 9A52-2 Smerch-M is a heavy self-propelled 300 mm multiple rocket launcher designed in the Soviet Union to fire a full load of 12 solid-fuelled projectiles.
Tornado (multiple rocket launcher) - Wikipedia
The 9A52-4 Tornado system is based on the chassis of the KamAZ-63501 8×8 military truck, which provides good tactical mobility. It is equipped with a single container with six launcher tubes for 300-mm rockets, which can fire all current Smerch rockets, including HE-FRAG, incendiary, thermobaric, cluster with anti-personnel or anti-tank mines.
俄罗斯9A52-4式旋风多管火箭炮 - 百度百科
9a52-4式旋风多管火箭炮是俄罗斯最新型通用多管火箭发射系统,该型号是bm-30型火箭炮的轻型通用版。 9A52-4式旋风多管火箭炮首次亮相是在2007年莫斯科举国际航空展上,与之前的型号相比,改型火箭炮以减弱火力的代价获更高的战略和战术机动性能。
BM-30「龍捲風」火箭炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
BM-30「龍捲風」火箭炮 (俄语: БМ-30 «Смерч», 羅馬化:BM-30 'Smerch')是前 苏联 开发的一款自走 多管火箭炮, GRAU 制式代號為 9K58,發射車最初命名為 9A52,或稱 BM-30,1989年服役。 BM-30研製起於1976年12月16日,由 俄聯邦儀器設計局 主導研製,1983年美軍 間諜衛星 首度拍攝到9A52多管火箭炮車,在冷戰時代西方賦予其代號 M1983。 1987年,換用MAZ-543M載重車作為火箭砲底盤的9A52-2開始撥交 蘇聯陸軍,替換原先使用MAZ-79111底盤 …
9A52-4 Tornado Russian 300mm Multiple Rocket Launcher
The 9A52-4 Tornado is Russia's newest universal multiple rocket launcher. It was designed as a lightweight and universal version of the BM-30 Smerch, dubbed 9A52-2. It was first unveiled in...
BM-30龙卷风式火箭炮系统 - 百度百科
龙卷风火箭炮的设计型号为9A52,整个系统的设计局型号为9K58,由位于俄罗斯图拉市的(Tula)合金精密仪表设计局(Splav State Research and Production Association)研制,该设计局也是BM-21、BM-28火箭炮系统的研制者。
Tornado CV 9A52-4 - Army Recognition
The 9A52-4 Tornado is a new 300 mm multiple rocket launcher system developped, designed and manufactured by the Russian Defence Company Motovilikha Plants Coporation. The Tornado is designed for destruction of attacking means, tank, motorized and infantry units, artillery batallions in concentration areas, on march and in combat order, of air ...
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The 9A52-2 (BM-30 Smerch-M) Russian 300mm Multiple Launch Rocket System is designed and manufactured by the Russian Company Splav State Research and Production Association, Tula, Russia, which...
MLRS Tornado - full review- characteristics
The 9A52-4 Tornado is described by Janes as a lightweight variant of the Tornado-C launcher. This 300mm multiple rocket launcher was first introduced in 2007 and features enhanced strategic and tactical mobility, albeit with some reduction in firepower.
【MENG】俄罗斯9A52-2“龙卷风”远程火箭炮 细节图发表_模型类 …
9A52“龙卷风”远程火箭炮,由俄罗斯合金精密仪表设计局设计, 1987正式服役。 其后续改进型号9A52-2是俄罗斯陆军现役的军属远端突击火力,主要负担陆军作战地域内的火力支援、压制和歼灭有生力量等任务,并可加强到担负主要突击任务的师级单位。 “龙卷风”远端火箭炮採用MAZ-7310底盘,火箭炮口径为300mm,定向管数12管,最小射程20km,最大射程90km,装备了使用镭射陀螺的惯性制导系统,可发射含杀伤子母弹、燃烧子母弹、云爆弹、佈雷弹在内的多种战 …