9FF Logo, symbol, meaning, history, PNG, brand - Logos-world
2024年12月18日 · What does the 9FF logo stand for? The 9ff logo means the company specializes in converting standard Porsche into street-legal race cars. Founded in 2001 by Jan Fattauer in Dortmund, Germany, 9ff offers fully tuned …
9ff Logo, HD Png, Information - CarLogos.org
2020年3月17日 · 9ff is a German car tuning company, based in Dortmund, founded by Jan Fatthauer in 2001, specializing in converting stock Porsches into street legal racing machines, either as fully tuned cars, or selling individual parts or kits. The 9ff GT9 was replaced by the GT9-R, offering up to 1,120 bhp (840 kW; 1,140 PS).
all products – 9FF Online Shop
This is the official online store of 9FF. Find tuning parts, performance upgrades, t-shirts, floor mats, stickers and much more.
9FF车标的含义,9FF车标的LOGO图片 - 车主指南
2020年5月27日 · 9ff GT9被GT9-R取代,提供高达1,120 bhp(840 kW; 1,140 PS)的功率。 它被设计为记录街道合法汽车的速度记录,声称时速为420 km / h(260 mph)。 后排放倒能当床,且性价比较高的汽车有:捷途X90、东风风光580、长安欧尚X7、长安CS75。 首先是捷途X90。 这款SUV车型不仅具有放倒后排座椅可当床的功 [详细] 在高铁上连接WiFi的方法因列车不同而有所区别。 通常情况下,如果高铁WiFi没有密码,乘客只需打开无线局域网,并找到高铁WiFi进 …
9ff - Automotive Wiki | Fandom
9ff is a German automotive tuning company located in Dortmund. Established by Jan Fatthauer in 2001, it specializes in transforming standard Porsches into high-performance racing cars that are road-legal. This transformation can involve fully tuning the vehicles or …
9ff - Wikipedia
9ff is a German car tuning company based in Dortmund. It was founded by Jan Fatthauer in 2001. It specializes in converting stock Porsches into street legal racing vehicles, either as fully tuned cars, [1][2][citation needed] or by selling individual parts or kits. [3] .
2024年12月28日 · 9FF徽标以平衡和简洁的风格执行,反映了德国工程的核心原则:功能,美学和对细节的关注。 从黑豹的轮廓到字体,每一个元素都创造了一种激发信心的形象,强调了公司的雄心壮志。 2001年,来自多特蒙德(Dortmund)的工程师兼保时捷(Porsche)汽车爱好者简·法塔尔(Jan Fattauer)创建了独特的德国汽车公司9ff。 该公司专注于改进和定制保时捷跑车,以达到前所未有的性能水平,在行业中设定新的速度限制。 2004年,9ff推出了9ff GT9,这是保时 …
9FF - 百度百科
9FF是一家 保时捷 改装公司的名字。 基于GT3打造的9FF GT9就已经是一个极致了,静止到300公里/小时的加速时间比威龙还要快0.6秒,而他们打造的9FF GT9R在最大速度上也超越了威龙,达到了416公里/小时(威龙的最快速度为407公里/小时)。 这款车就是冲着 布加迪威龙 去的。 1105马力的最大功率,两个 涡轮增压器,后轮驱动的9FF GT9R就是威龙的终结者,从此以后,威龙再也不敢再叫嚣自己是世界上最快的车了。 一个百公里加速仅要2.9秒,在15.8秒就可以达到300 …
Found a 2004 C5 RS6 with this badge does anyone know what this …
2023年5月4日 · I found a random Ferrari forum post indicating that the company folded in 2013 after a 12 year run. Short of finding the old owner of the car or the original owner of 9ff, you might be out of luck. Have you looked to see if the turbo, IC, suspension, etc are still original?
9ff | Logopedia | Fandom
9ff. Sign in to edit History Talk (0) 2001–2021 [] 2021–present [] SVG NEEDED: Categories Categories: SVG needed; Automotive companies; Germany; 2001; Motor vehicles; Cars; Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless …