9K33 Osa - Wikipedia
The 9K33 Osa (Russian: 9К33 «Оса»; English: "wasp"; NATO reporting name SA-8 Gecko) is a highly mobile, low-altitude, short-range tactical surface-to-air missile system developed in the Soviet Union in the 1960s and fielded in 1972. Its export version name is …
9K33 Osa Air Defence Missile System, Russia - Army Technology
2022年8月25日 · The 9K33 Osa, codenamed SA-8 Gecko by Nato, is a highly mobile, low-altitude, short-range tactical surface-to-air defence missile system designed in the Soviet …
SA-8导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
9K33M "黄蜂-M" (SA-N-4 "壁虎")1972年入役,是9K33的改进海军舰载型号。 双联装于Zif-122可收放旋转式发射架上,安装于 卡拉级巡洋舰 与 基辅级航空母舰 上。
2012年10月10日 · 自主军用自行高射炮的研制 火箭 “Osa”综合体(ind.9K33,在 TTT 开发阶段,该综合体被命名为“Ellipsoid”)是根据 27.10.1960 年 50 月 100 日苏联部长会议的决议启动的。 该综合体的设计目的是在5000-500米至800-1000米的范围内以每秒8000米的速度摧毁飞行高度为10000-XNUMX米至XNUMX米的目标。 位于一个浮动自行式底盘上的自主综合体不仅包含所有作战资产,包括导弹发射器和雷达站,还包含控制、导航、地形参考、通信和电源装置。 新的 …
9K33 - 阅兵百科
9K33“黄蜂” (9К33«Оса», 北约代号 SA-8 Gecko)是配置在苏联武装力量摩托化步兵师和坦克师中的全天候防空导弹系统。 每个导弹系统装配有4枚9M33防空导弹,其改进型号“黄蜂-AK”可以装配6枚9M33M2导弹。 在2007年底,它依然是俄罗斯数量最多的防空导弹系统,总共由400台仍在服役,而它的衍生型号也被大量出口。 1960年7月27日,根据 苏联部长会议 第1157-487号命令,9K33的设计工作由 NII-20 负责并正式执行。 设计过程中,负责导弹设计的图希诺机械制造 …
9K33 Osa (1972) - Truck Encyclopedia
The 9M33M2 Osa-A was capable of 1.5–10 km (1–6.2 miles), altitudes 25–5,000 m (82–16,400 ft). The 9M33M3 Osa-M was capable of 10–12,000 m (33–42,500 ft) and 15 km/9 miles could not engage targets at longer ranges (poor radar tracking). It was ideal to shoot down helicopters in all weather conditions.
9K33 Osa | Military Wiki | Fandom
9K33M "OSA-M" (NATO reporting name SA-N-4 "Gecko") was introduced in 1972 and is the naval version of the system with two 9M33M missiles on a Zif-122 retractable rotating launcher and improved performance.
SA-8 Gecko 9K33 OSA - Army Recognition
2024年8月1日 · The SA-8 Gecko NATO code name (Russian name 9K33 OSA) is a Russian-made highly mobile, low-altitude, short-range tactical surface-to-air missile system. "9K33" is its GRAU designation. The development program was protracted with major redesigns of both the missile and launch platform required.
美国人放弃了,苏联人却坚持下来了,SA-8近程地空导弹系统 - 知乎
SA-8A 第二个版本是9K33M2 Osa AK / SA-8B壁虎。 该系统使用改进的9A33VM2 两栖底盘和更精确的火控计算机,所携导弹数量增加到6枚,以弹翼折叠方式储存在密封发射管内。 改进后的导弹可对付8G过载机动的目标,还提高了反杂波能力,可攻击更低高度的目标。
9K33 Osa - Weaponsystems.net
The 9K33 Osa is a point defense SAM system of Soviet origin. It was developed in the late 1960's and is operational since the early 1970's. In the West the Osa is known by the NATO reporting name "SA-8 Gecko". The Osa replaced the 57mm S-60 towed anti-aircraft guns and is being supplemented by the new 9K330 Tor (SA-15 Gauntlet).