[Solved] MH-17 was 9M-MRD, so Why are there photos of 9M …
2014年7月23日 · Notice the RC on the flap at the front wheels. This is strange, because it make it seem that they flew with 9M-MRC instead of 9M-MRD. Photo's from the crash site and …
[Solved] MH-17 was 9M-MRD, so Why are there photos of 9M …
2014年7月23日 · For the two competing scenarios, the plane being 9M-MRC or 9M-MRD, try to look at the unknowns. It feels like a ridiculous amount of assumptions has to be made in order …
[Solved] MH-17 was 9M-MRD, so Why are there photos of 9M …
2014年7月23日 · I have found a series of 9 photos from 9M-MRD taken on June 15, 2014 at Frankfurt Airport, from the final approach stage up to the parking of the plane in chronological …
[Solved] MH-17 was 9M-MRD, so Why are there photos of 9M …
2014年7月23日 · There were at least TWO different planes masquerading as 9M-MRD 1997-2000 black engine sticker (no obvious letters), 4 stickers on front panel, 2 extra on right (Version 1) …
Debunked: Proof that MH-17 is MH-370? [MH-17 actually did
2014年7月23日 · Some web pages and video claim that photo of the debris of MH-17 does not match the plane 9M-MRD that was flying the MH-17 route that day, and instead matches 9M …
[Solved] MH-17 was 9M-MRD, so Why are there photos of 9M …
2014年8月28日 · Photos are at a very different angle, and the deterioration of the D is explained by the proximity to the hinge screws. There's no glare in the top photo, so I'm not sure what …
[Solved] MH-17 was 9M-MRD, so Why are there photos of 9M …
2014年10月14日 · [Solved] MH-17 was 9M-MRD, so Why are there photos of 9M-MRC? ['D' partially obscured] Thread starter ...
Debunked: "Official Photoshopping" of MH17 photo [Window …
2014年7月27日 · Conspiracy theorists or hoaxers are suggesting that MH17 was actually the same plane as MH370, and as part of their "evidence" have noted a window that was there in …
Debunked: MH17 - 10 Previous Flightpaths Different From 17-7
2015年6月1日 · The same aircraft (9M-MRD wich was shot down) flew earlier that day (july 17 about 01:28 UTC) also over seperatist-controled area. It passed some kilometers north of the …
Does Damage to MH17 indicate or exclude a Particular Buk Launch ...
2015年6月7日 · Not really. But the graphics you posted seem to leave the designers some degree of freedom by the way they arrange heavy an light fragments, and by the way they shape the …