9M123 Khrizantema - Wikipedia
The 9M123 Khrizantema[1][2] (Russian: "Хризантема"; English: Chrysanthemum, NATO reporting name AT-15 Springer[3]) is a Russian anti-tank guided missile (ATGM). Khrizantema was designed to deal with current and future generations of main battle tanks and can also be used to engage slow and low flying aerial targets like helicopters. [4] .
9M123菊花反坦克导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
9m123飞弹是超音速飞弹,平均飞行速度为400米每秒(1,300英尺每秒)或1.2马赫 [6] ,射程为400至6000米。 [6] 推进通过一个固体燃料火箭发动机实现,飞弹两侧有两个排气口。偏置排气使飞弹在飞行过程中旋转。由飞弹后部的两个弹出的操控装置提供制导控制。
9K123“菊花-S”多用途导弹系统(转自btvt.info,部分翻译) - 哔哩 …
9M123菊花反坦克导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
9M123飞弹是超音速飞弹,平均飞行速度为400米每秒(1,300英尺每秒)或1.2马赫 [6],射程为400至6000米。 [6] 推进通过一个固体燃料 火箭 发动机实现,飞弹两侧有两个排气口。 偏置排气使飞弹在飞行过程中旋转。 由飞弹后部的两个弹出的操控装置提供制导控制。 控制器前面增加了四个装置,有助于稳定飞行中的导弹。 菊花在俄罗斯反坦克制导飞弹中独一无二,因为根据导弹的型号,它可以由 激光 或 雷达 制导。 雷达单元采用 毫米波频 段,飞弹系统在雷达波束内自动跟 …
次时代反坦克导弹——苏联第二代反坦克导弹大全 - 知乎
2019年5月18日 · 9K111系统作为苏联营级反坦克导弹系统被广泛采用,取代了原有的9K11"婴儿"系统,直到1994年被破甲能力更加,采用了激光架束制导的 9M133 "短号"取代。 不同于9K111作为步兵反坦克导弹使用,9K111-1"竞赛"系统则主要用于苏联广泛装备的 BMP-1 与BMP-2步兵战车上,作为车载反坦克武器使用,替换了之前使用的9K11"婴儿"。 9K111-1系统有着更高的命中率与更强的穿深,但是需要车组成员探出驾驶舱才可以更换其使用的9M113导弹,而9K11"婴儿"可 …
9M123 Khrizantema | Military Wiki - Fandom
Khrizantema was designed to deal with current and future generations of main battle tanks, such as the M1A2 and Leopard 2A5 and later, and can also be used to engage slow and low flying aerial targets like helicopters. [1] . The missile carries the GRAU designation 9M123 and the NATO reporting name AT-15 Springer. [2]
“菊花-C”反坦克导弹系统 - 百度百科
自动化无线电雷达系统和半自动化激光系统,自动装填弹药,能够发射15枚超音速无线电光波制导导弹和激光制导导弹,其导弹型号为9M123, 北约 称之为AT-X-15,最大射程6000米,可24小时全天候作战,能够摧毁轻装甲目标、各种现代化坦克 (包括装备动力防护系统的坦克)、小吨位水面目标 (快艇)、低空飞行目标、工程防御设施,消灭隐藏在掩体中或位于开阔地带的敌方有生力量。
Anti-tank missile system 9K123 Chrysanthemum | Missilery.info
The 9M123 missile is built according to the normal aerodynamic scheme. Aerodynamic rudders, placed perpendicular to the plane of the engine nozzle axes, and their drive are in the tail of the missile. Rocket wings are structurally similar to those used on the missile complex "Assault" and placed in front of the nozzle block.
9M123 Khrizantema - Weaponsystems.net
The 9M123 Khrizantema is a modern era anti-tank missile of Russian origin. Development started in the 1980's but wasn't completed until the late 1990's. It was developed to counter modern Western tanks such as the M1 Abrams, Leopard 2 and Challenger.
9M123 Khrizantema - Wikiwand
The 9M123 Khrizantema (Russian: "Хризантема"; English: Chrysanthemum, NATO reporting name AT-15 Springer) is a Russian anti-tank guided missile (ATGM). Khrizantema was designed to deal with current and future generations of main battle tanks and can also be used to engage slow and low flying aerial targets like helicopters.