Luger pistol - Wikipedia
The Pistole Parabellum or Parabellum-Pistole (Pistol Parabellum), commonly known as just the Luger or Luger P08, [10] is a toggle-locked recoil-operated semi-automatic pistol. The Luger was produced in several models and by several nations from 1898 to 1949. The design was first patented by Georg Luger.
鲁格P08手枪采用枪管短后坐式工作原理使用102毫米枪管,发射9x19毫米帕拉贝鲁姆手枪弹。 该枪为单发射击,枪重871克(空弹匣),枪长230毫米,弹匣容量8发。 [4] [6] 鲁格P08手枪使用优质的材料,制造工艺严格,表面处理工艺好,所有的金属部件都经过发蓝处理,耐腐蚀性较强。 德国枪械设计师在博查特C93半自动手枪的基础上,于1898年研制出肘节式闭锁机构自动手枪,起初定名为M1900派拉贝鲁姆手枪,商标“鲁格”(又译为“卢格”)。 经改进后的鲁格手枪,正式命 …
The First 9mm: Luger P.08 Pistol - GunsAmerica.com
2019年4月19日 · One of the most iconic handguns in the world is the P.08 Luger Pistol. It is the quintessential German sidearm that saw heavy use in both world wars. Of all of the weapons of the era, it remains one of the most sought after, as one of …
Gun Review: P-08 Luger 9mm Pistol - The Truth About Guns
2016年8月5日 · It was one of the first modern, mass produced semiautomatic, detachable box magazine-fed handguns. It was the first gun chambered in what is now the world’s most popular centerfire handgun cartridge, the 9x19mm (also called the 9mm Luger). Finally, it’s …
Gun Review - Mitchell Arms P-08 9mm Parabellum :: Guns.com
2013年1月3日 · The Mitchel Arms P-08 is identical to the original in construction and feel. It is chambered in 9mm Parabellum, equipped with a 4-inch barrel and an 8-round magazine, and weighs around 30 ounces.
【兵器谱】德国鲁格P08手枪 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
这种手枪正是德军军官的制式配枪——鲁格P08手枪,它在德军中是一种身份的象征,甚至有人称其为“手枪中的普鲁士贵族”,其意义就好像是日本鬼子的军刀,从而成为二战中美军争相抢夺的战利品之一,甚至有德国士兵洞悉了这个道理,用这款手枪来诱杀尝试拾取战利品的盟军士兵。 而说到了小鬼子,大家是不是隐隐感觉鲁格P08手枪如此的眼熟? 没错,鬼子用的声名狼藉的“王八盒子”—— 南部十四式手枪,正是没抄明白鲁格P08的产物,从某种意义上来说,鲁格P08是“王八盒 …
German Luger P-08 9mm Luger - Gun Tests
2020年11月18日 · The Luger demands a certain pressure curve in the 9mm rounds it likes. Interestingly, the Luger will feed virtually any nose style of bullet, including wide-mouth JHP bullets or hard-cast lead semi-wadcutter (SWC) bullets. The test Luger was examined, deemed safe, and with the new springs and magazines, seemed fit for range testing.
P.08 German Luger Pistol History: Classic Handgun of the 20t - Handguns
2013年3月9日 · Its classic flowing lines make it one of the most appealing looking auto pistols in terms of appearance. It is the pistol that introduced the 9mm Parabellum cartridge, a cartridge that became one of the most popular handgun rounds ever made.
What's my dad's 1942 P08 German Luger worth? | The ... - The Firearms Forum
2012年7月11日 · During the second World War, only Mauser and Krieghoff were manufacturing Lugers in Germany. These late Mauser Lugers lack some of the fine finish of the earlier DWM and Erfurt pieces, but they used the best steel.
German Luger P08 Pistol 9x19mm (Select Manufactures and Years)
The Luger 1908 (P08) was adopted by the German Army utilizing the 9x19mm Parabellum (9mm Luger). The Luger P08 was used in both World War I and World War II. Even after the Second …