9×19mm Parabellum - Wikipedia
The 9×19mm Parabellum (also known as 9mm Luger, 9mm NATO or simply 9mm) is a rimless, centerfire, tapered firearms cartridge.
9×19公釐帕拉貝倫彈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
9×19毫米帕拉貝倫弹 (9×19 mm Parabellum)是一種 手枪 及 冲锋枪 使用的无缘间缩式 子弹,是现今全世界最廣泛使用的手槍彈種,经常被直接简称为“ 9毫米弹 ”(“9 mm”或“9 mil”)。 這種彈藥最初由 奥地利 武器设计师格奥尔格·鲁格(Georg Johann Luger)所設計,从1902年开始被用在 魯格手枪 上,因此又称 9×19毫米鲁格弹 (9×19 mm Luger)。 在1982年的4090号标准化协议(STANAG 4090)之后,9毫米帕拉贝鲁姆弹被 北约 军队选为制式弹药,因此也称为 9×19毫 …
不可撼动的第一名——详解9x19mm“帕拉贝鲁姆”手枪弹 - 哔哩哔哩
9x19mm帕拉贝鲁姆手枪弹是北约标准弹之一,因此被称作“9x19mm NATO”,而这一弹药的优秀性能也使其成为世界上使用国家最多、应用最广泛的自动手枪弹,世界上有60%的警察手中的枪里塞的是9x19mm Para,因此它可以是手枪弹中当之无愧的第一名. 目前的四种北约标准弹,最小的就是9x19mm NATO,其余的分别是5.56x45mm NATO、7.62x51mm NATO和12.7x99mm NATO,9x19mm NATO就是9x19mm Para,虽然体积最小,但是其影响力丝毫不逊于其它子 …
9mm Luger vs 9x19 vs Parabellum: What's the Difference? - Pew …
2023年1月21日 · 9mm Luger and 9x19mm Parabellum refer to the exact same round. When someone refers to 9mm, they almost always mean 9x19mm. However, there are also terms catering to specific variations of 9x19mm and other 9mm caliber rounds altogether. Let’s clear up these terms, so you know exactly what people are talking about when discussing 9mm.
9×19毫米帕拉贝鲁姆弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年10月15日 · 9×19毫米帕拉贝鲁姆弹 (9×19 mm Parabellum)是一种 手枪 及 冲锋枪 使用的无缘间缩式 子弹,是现今全世界最广泛使用的手枪弹种,经常被直接简称为“ 9毫米弹 ”(“9 mm”或“9 mil”)。 这种弹药最初由 奥地利 武器设计师格奥尔格·鲁格(Georg Johann Luger)所设计,从1902年开始被用在 鲁格手枪 上,因此又称 9×19毫米鲁格弹 (9×19 mm Luger)。 在1982年的4090号标准化协议(STANAG 4090)之后,9毫米帕拉贝鲁姆弹被 北约 军队选为制 …
What does caliber 9x19 mean? | [March Updated] - TheGunZone
2024年2月18日 · Caliber 9×19, also known as 9mm Parabellum, is a popular cartridge size used in handguns and submachine guns. The “9×19” designation refers to the dimensions of the cartridge: the bullet diameter is 9mm, and the case length is 19mm.
2019年12月6日 · 9x19毫米PBP(7N31)+p+穿甲弹重8.1克,弹头重4.1克。 子弹和7N21相似但重量却更加轻,因此枪口初速更高为600米/秒,枪口能量为756焦耳。 该弹药能在15-20米距离范围内击穿一块8mm厚的St3钢板。
9x19毫米子弹枪族介绍及新手推荐 - 百度贴吧
2024年11月25日 · 新手上路好伙伴,9x..说到9x19毫米,想必不少先锋的腿已经开始隐隐作痛了,在本期攻略中官方赛事解说、B站UP解说春原将为大家带来9x19毫米子弹&枪族的经验分享,希望能为对先锋们有所帮助。
The 9mm Bullet: 9x19mm Parabellum Definitive Guide - Gunivore
2016年12月27日 · Among 9mm cartridges, the undisputed champion of them all has got to be the 9X19mm Parabellum. It is considered a powerful round, capable of being used in many scenarios and situations, from tactical military or police action, to civilian self- and home-defense.
What’s the difference between 9×19 and 9mm Luger? - TheGunZone
2024年5月10日 · What’s the difference between 9×19 and 9mm Luger? The terms 9×19 and 9mm Luger refer to the same ammunition, the 9mm Parabellum. They are just two different ways of describing the same popular and widely used handgun cartridge. Is this article helpful to you? 1. Is 9×19 the same as 9mm NATO?
子弹科普:9X19MM - 哔哩哔哩
9×19毫米帕拉贝鲁姆弹(9×19 mm Parabellum)是一种手枪及冲锋枪使用的无缘间缩式子弹,是现今全世界最广泛使用的手枪弹种,经常被直接简称为“9毫米弹”(“9 mm”或“9 mil”)。 这种弹药最初由奥地利武器设计师格奥尔格·鲁格(Georg Johann Luger)所设计,从1902年开始被用在鲁格手枪上,因此又称 9×19毫米鲁格弹(9×19 mm Luger)。 在1982年的4090号标准化协议(STANAG 4090)之后,9毫米帕拉贝鲁姆弹被北约军队选为制式弹药,因此也称为9×19毫米 …
9mm Parabellum Ammo, History, Features & Load Data
2016年7月29日 · Modern top-quality American 9X19 rounds include the Barnes 115gr SCHP, Cor-Bon 115gr +P, Federal 124gr HST, PNW Arms 115gr SCHP, and the Speer Gold Dot 115gr or 124gr. All of these rounds will...
The History of the 9x19, Part 1 - Zenith Firearms
2018年5月23日 · It is unusual for a cartridge’s name to be attached to a specific firearm, but many people still refer to the 9×19 as 9mm Luger. Named after its designer, Georg Luger, the Luger pistol is probably the most well-known historical handgun in the world.
9×19mm Parabellum | Military Wiki | Fandom
The 9×19mm Parabellum (abbreviated 9mm, 9mmP, 9×19mm or 9×19) cartridge was designed by Georg Luger and introduced in 1902 by the German weapons manufacturer Deutsche Waffen- und Munitionsfabriken (DWM) for their Luger semi-automatic pistol. [6] .
What is the difference between 9mm Luger and 9×19?
2024年5月10日 · What is the difference between 9mm Luger and 9×19? The terms “9mm Luger” and “9×19” refer to the same cartridge commonly used in handguns. They are interchangeable and both denote a 9mm Parabellum round, which was developed by Georg Luger in 1902 for military use. 1. Is 9mm Luger the same as 9mm Parabellum?
9×19mm Parabellum explained - Everything Explained Today
The 9×19mm Parabellum (also known as 9mm Luger, 9mm NATO or simply 9mm) is a rimless, centerfire, tapered firearms cartridge.
9×19公釐帕拉贝伦弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
9×19毫米帕拉贝伦弹 (9×19 mm Parabellum)是一种 手枪 及 冲锋枪 使用的无缘间缩式 子弹,是现今全世界最广泛使用的手枪弹种,经常被直接简称为“ 9毫米弹 ”(“9 mm”或“9 mil”)。 这种弹药最初由 奥地利 武器设计师格奥尔格·鲁格(Georg Johann Luger)所设计,从1902年开始被用在 鲁格手枪 上,因此又称 9×19毫米鲁格弹 (9×19 mm Luger)。 在1982年的4090号标准化协议(STANAG 4090)之后,9毫米帕拉贝鲁姆弹被 北约 军队选为制式弹药,因此也称为 9×19毫 …
The 9mm Luger (9x19mm) - CHUCKHAWKS.COM
The 9x19mm, also called the 9mm Luger or the 9mm Parabellum, was adopted by the German Army in 1908 as the cartridge for the famous Luger pistol. It has become the world's most popular pistol cartridge. It is now used by most of the militaries of the world, including all …
9mm Luger / 9x19 Parabellum - Modern Firearms
Over a hundred years old, today this cartridge remains the most popular and long-lasting chambering for pistols and submachine guns in the world. It combines adequate combat effectiveness with a relatively compact size that allows for a larger magazine capacity than for instance, the .45ACP.
What caliber is a 9x19? | [January Updated] - TheGunZone
2024年2月18日 · What caliber is a 9×19? The 9×19 caliber, also known as 9mm Parabellum, is a popular handgun cartridge used for self-defense and target shooting. What is the difference between 9mm and 9×19? The terms 9mm and 9×19 are often used interchangeably to refer to the same cartridge. Is this article helpful to you? Is 9×19 the same as 9mm Luger?