9×19VSN | Rainbow Six Wiki | Fandom
"Close to mid-range 9mm submachine gun with high penetration. Favored by Spetsnaz." The 9×19VSN is a submachine gun featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. It is available for use by Kapkan, Tachanka, and Azami.
9x19VSN 冲锋枪 - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
近中程范围内使用的9毫米口径冲锋枪,拥有较高的穿透力,特别 受到Spetsnaz的青睐。 PP-19-01“勇士”冲锋枪是根据俄罗斯特警队Vytyaz对于PP-19“野牛”冲锋枪的反馈意见而研制的。 “勇士”冲锋枪的设计是基于AKS-74U,但实际上就是把“野牛”冲锋枪由弹筒供弹改为传统的弹匣供弹。 在2007年中期,“勇士”冲锋枪在伊孜玛什公司小批量生产,并供给俄罗斯内务部特种部队OMON和其他执法机构。 “勇士”冲锋枪与AKS-74U有70%的零件通用,只是把自动原理改为自由式枪机, …
9x19VSN - Liquipedia Rainbow Six Wiki
It is available for use by Kapkan, Tachanka & Azami.
R6S.skin - 9x19VSN
Rainbow Six Siege skin database.
BEARING 9 自动手枪 - R6S百科 - huiji.wiki
美蓓亚m-9是以色列UZI的衍生型枪支,所以其内部结构原理也是基本一致,采用包络式枪机自由原理,开膛待击方式击发,有全自动和单发两种射击模式(然后育碧把射击模式吞了),其握把左侧设有滑动式快慢扳机。 部分日本 鬼才 设计师把枪械的机匣向前突出了一小段,这样就能安装前握把,以便提高射击稳定性,但日本的M9冲锋枪依然没有枪托,连个简易枪托都没有。 值得一提的是,这个制造商美蓓亚株式会社之前是生产轴承的。 所以设计成啥样我都不会感到意外.
请教老鸽们,9x19的子弹除了新的7n31,还有哪些比较能打,稳 …
9*19不行的,要么pst打AI,或者RIP和cci修剪。 AP6.3只能穿3也就爆头能用,洗甲只能靠新出的7N31.
Rainbow Six Siege have updated a lot of Recoil Patterns on weapons! So we're going through weapons and showing you what the Best Sight, Barrel and Grip Attachments are! In this video, we are...
Thank you for watching! Enjoyed the video? Hit 👍 "LIKE" 👍 - Thank you!🔔 TURN ON POST NOTIFICATIONSHelp me reach 20,000 Subscribers! https://www.youtube.co...
9x19 VSN (Vityaz-SN) Submachine Gun - Rainbow Six Bootcamp
Oct 7, 2015 · Close to mid-range 9mm submachine gun with high penetration.
PP-19 Bizon | Rainbow Six Wiki | Fandom
The PP-19 Bizon, also known as just the Bizon, is a straight blowback closed bolt submachine gun developed in 1993 by Victor Kalashnikov that fires the 9x18mm Makarov or 9x19 Parabellum round. It features a 64 round helical magazine attached to the underside of the weapon.
9x19VSN - MP5 - FMG-9 - Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege
Close to mid-range 9mm submachine gun with high penetration. Favored by Spetsnaz, Capacity: 30. Damage: 42 / 35. Fire Rate: 750. Mobility: 45. Recoil Pattern: Comments: Like your typical SMG, 9x19VSN is mobile but you have to rely more on spray-and-pray than actually hitting a target in a cross-fire.
[Top 5] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Azami Loadouts That Are Excellent
Mar 9, 2023 · Azami also has some of the best weapons in the game in the ACS12 shotgun and the 9x19VSN submachine gun, and in this article, we’re going to discuss the best attachment setups for them, as well as her utilities and secondary weapon.
【彩虹六号】Outbreak模式简介与物品汇总 - 哔哩哔哩
9x19毫米 Luger CCI_9x19_子弹_逃离塔科夫Wiki,逃离塔科夫中 …
CCI生产的9x19毫米Luger弹 ,是一种带有蓝色标记的特种重型子弹。 藏身处制作
9x19_子弹_逃离塔科夫Wiki,逃离塔科夫中文Wiki,逃离塔科夫教 …
9x19毫米 RIP 1级2级3级4级5级6级很低很低很低很低很低很低肉伤甲伤穿透精度后座10211%2+5总览类型9x19重量0.013kg占用格数1X1商人购买Mechanic等级4购买数量144性能弹片数量1子弹速度381 (M/S)跳弹率0.2%出血率+30%大出血率+10%枪械发热影响+108.29%枪械损耗影响+20%特殊效果无 ...
[Top 5] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Kapkan Loadouts That Are Excellent
Apr 10, 2024 · In this article, we’re going to tackle how those changes affect Kapkan and how we could use them to have the best possible setup when playing this very deadly trapper in Siege’s current meta. This loadout setup will provide Kapkan the best recoil control possible on his 9x19VSN submachine gun.
Glacier Weapon Skin - Rainbow Six Bootcamp
Feb 2, 2016 · Tier 5 skin available for the weapons used by any operator.
Black Ice Weapon Skin - Rainbow Six Bootcamp
Feb 2, 2016 · Tier 5 skin available for the weapons used by any operator.
GSh-18 | Rainbow Six Wiki | Fandom
The GSh-18 is a semi-automatic pistol manufactured by the KBP Instrument Design Bureau that chambers the 9x19mm Parabellum round. The weapon was designed Tula by Gryazev and Shipunov which is also where the weapon's name is derived from. The number 18 denotes the magazine capacity.
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