UCODE 9xm | NXP Semiconductors
UCODE 9xm Memory Configuration To support high-performance solutions in industrial and manufacturing environments, UCODE 9xm offers high performance and an enhanced feature set with three flexible memory configurations that offer up to 496 bits of electronic product code (EPC) memory and up to 752 bits of user memory.
The UCODE 9xm is the latest NXP product of the UCODE family supporting user memory. UCODE 9xm offers high performance and features for use in the most demanding RAIN RFID tagging applications. Due to its exceptional RF performance, UCODE 9xm is particularly well suited for inventory management
恩智浦UCODE® 9xm结合领先的性能与客户可配置的大容量存储 …
中国上海——2023年3月31日——恩智浦半导体(NXP Semiconductors N.V.,纳斯达克股票代码:NXPI)宣布推出新款芯片UCODE® 9xm,兼具灵活的大容量存储器及先进的读/写性能。
恩智浦UCODE 9xm结合领先的性能与客户可配置的大容量存储 …
2023年4月3日 · 恩智浦半导体(NXP Semiconductors N.V.)近日宣布推出新款芯片UCODE ® 9xm,兼具灵活的大容量存储器及先进的读/写性能。 UCODE 9xm旨在提高整个系统的可靠性和准确性,使客户能够利用更小的标签天线,对更小的物体进行单独标记,并将其集成到智能制造过程、供应链管理和追踪应用中。 用户可以凭借该产品灵活地标记多种类型的对象,从而获得更完整的供应链视图。 产品重要性. RAIN RFID标签已成为自动化工业流程中的至关重要的组成部分。 …
采用UCODE ® 9xm加速工业物联网 - NXP
UCODE 9xm在性能上进行了重大升级。 它的灵敏度比以前的UCODE存储器产品高三倍,在RAIN RFID应用中允许更长的读取范围和更小的标签。 用户可以凭借该产品灵活地标记多种类型的对象,从而获得更完整的供应链视图。
UCODE 9xm - NXP Semiconductors | RFID Tag IC - everything RF
The UCODE-9xm from NXP Semiconductors is a UHF RFID Chip for high-performance applications in industrial and manufacturing environments. It offers high performance and an enhanced feature set with three flexible memory configurations that offer up to 496 bits of EPC (Electronic Product Code) memory and up to 752 bits of user memory.
UCODE 9xm | NXP 半导体
为了支持工业和制造环境中的高性能解决方案,UCODE 9XM提供高性能和增强型功能集,有三种灵活的存储配置,可提供高达496位的EPC (电子产品代码)存储和高达752位的用户存储。 UCODE 9xm的扩展EPC/用户内存使其能够存储各种数据点,从而更容易回收、转售和再利用产品。 它还通过提高制造和供应链的效率来增加可视性,通过使生产与需求更容易匹配来帮助减少浪费,并通过只运输订购的产品来提高效率。 1. EPC:128b,用户:752b. 2. EPC:256b,用户:624b. 3. …
Accelerating Industrial IoT with UCODE 9xm - NXP Semiconductors
UCODE 9xm is a significant upgrade in performance. It delivers three times better sensitivity than previous UCODE memory products, allows longer read ranges and smaller tags in RAIN RFID applications. This gives users the flexibility to tag a wider variety of object types, delivering a more complete view of the supply chain.
恩智浦UCODE 9xm結合業界領先效能與高容量以及客戶可配置記 …
UCODE 9xm為EPC和使用者儲存空間提供總計880位元共用記憶體空間,同時具備三種靈活的記憶體配置,客戶可根據具體案例進行選擇,EPC記憶體可達496位元,用戶記憶體可達752位元,便於儲存批號(lot number)、生產日期、製程參數等製造資料。
Iot Acceleration with UCODE 9xm: Large, Customer ... - 与非网
2023年4月25日 · Building on the same foundation as the high-performing UCODE 9, UCODE 9xm offers industry-leading performance and an enhanced feature set with three customer configurable memory configurations
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