What is the difference between /ʌɪ/ and /aɪ/ in English?
2020年9月24日 · Many Americans have what is known as "Canadian raising", and use /ʌɪ/ before an unvoiced consonant and /aɪ/ before a voiced consonant, so they would say [nʌɪt] (night) but …
Why do some speakers pronounce the aɪ sound as ɔɪ?
2020年2月9日 · In RP, the /aɪ/ diphthong is typically realized as [aɪ], similar to a common realization of it in General American (ignoring our version of Canadian raising). In SSB, by …
Does English have (or has it had) the diphthongs /uɪ, ʌɪ/?
2017年8月2日 · For certain other North American speakers, there may be a marginal phonemic split between /ʌɪ/ and /aɪ/. This is because of the phenomenon called "Canadian raising". …
In which vowel do the diphthongs [aʊ] and [aɪ] start?
From the same source, the /aɪ/ in "five" typically starts with the more open and more central [ä]. The /aɪ/ in "white" can be realized the same way, but in some accents it starts higher at [ɐ]. …
Why does this video say that /aɪ/ is to glide from /ɑ/ to /i/?
2015年1月20日 · Yes, there is something wrong. The video is confusing. For clarity, we ought to distinguish sounds, customarily written with brackets, from phonemes, customarily written with …
pronunciation - How to pronounce the letter 'i' - English Language ...
i is pronounce as /aɪ/ when i + consonant + e as in: time, site, fire, to entire, ... This is a special case of the "magic e" rule: vowel + consonant + e = "long" vowel. It's a fine rule that accurately …
pronunciation - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2017年1月10日 · For /aɪ/, it’s hard for me to evaluate if reduction to /i/ has ever occured. In spelling, both “i” and “y” can represent either the diphthong /aɪ/ or the reduced happY vowel …
In IPA transcription, what is the difference between “ɪ”, "i", “i:”?
2023年4月5日 · What is the difference between “ɪ”, "i", “i:”? Are these two same “ɪ”, "i"; and won't be wrong if interchanged while transcripting?
Reason behind Oxford Dictionaries's IPA transcription?
2019年3月9日 · It's just an alternative transcription for the same phoneme that you and Wiktionary transcribe as /aɪ/ (the vowel found in the words "price" and "size"). Oxford Dictionaries' …
Pronunciation of letter y: asylum vs syrup
2012年5月9日 · It’s even more complicated that that, because although the sound of the y in hydrogen is [aɪ], that of the one in phyto-is actually [ʌɪ] for many speakers. Same phoneme, …