什么是海运提单?MBL和HBL有什么区别? - 知乎专栏
MBL的英文全称是 Master Bill of Lading,即俗称船东提单,如果存在分单,此时MBL通常被称为主单。 HBL的英文全称是 House Bill of Lading,即俗称货代提单,如果出现要出分单的情况,那么分单一定是有货代出具的。 所以所有的分单都是HBL。 不过不是所有HBL都是分单的。 因此所有分单都是HBL——但是并不是所有HBL都是分单。 值得注意的是,无论MBL还是HBL只针对海运。 航空、铁路的运输单据,准确应该叫运单,跟海运的提单(MBL和HBL)有本质区别。 综上所 …
国际海运中HBL与MBL的区别 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
MBL的英文全称是 Master Bill of Lading,俗称船东提单、船东单,如果有分单的话,MBL通常也被称为主单。 HBL的英文全称是 House Bill of Lading,俗称货代提单、货代单,如果要出分单,那么分单肯定是由货代出的,既然是货代出的,因此所有分单都是HBL——但是并不是所有HBL都是分单,因为有很多是不出分单的。 也有少部分人把货代提单叫做Forwarder Bill of Loading。 要注意的是,提单 (无论MBL还是HBL)只是针对海运而言的。 航空、铁路的运输单据,严格来说, …
MBL&HBL,你到底了解多少? - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
HOUSE BILL OF LADING, 是由无船承运人(在NVOCC注册备案)所签发的提单,俗称 货代提单。 提单抬头是各家货运代理公司(无船承运人),比如货代A,货代B,货代C等等,提单格式各不相同,最后的落款签字盖章则是各家货代公司。 两者都具有提单的核心功能-- 物权凭证,代表着货物所有权属性。 提单上内容基本相似,都必须显示收发货人及货物等重要信息。 P.S. 美国线要签发HBL,HBL抬头的货代公司必须在美国FMC有注册备案,才可以相应签发此HBL给客户。 货 …
House bill of lading (hbl) vs Master Bill of lading (Mbl)
What is a House Bill of Lading (HBL)? A House Bill of Lading (HBL) is issued by a freight forwarder or an NVOCC (Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier) to the actual shipper or exporter. It acts as a receipt for the goods and outlines the agreement between the shipper and consignee. Key Features of HBL: Issuer: Freight forwarder or NVOCC.
关于货代分单(HOUSE B/L OR FORWARDER B/L)需要注意的几个问 …
货代提单,俗称分单:house b/l or forwarder b/l, 简写hbl。 两种提单的区别: 1. 签发提单的主题不同,MBL由船公司签发, HBL由无船承运人(一般是货代)签发。
House Bill of Lading vs. Master Bill of Lading - Shipping Solutions
2024年2月12日 · A house bill of lading (HBL) is a document issued by a freight forwarder or a non-vessel operating common carrier (NVOCC) to a shipper to acknowledge receipt of their items for shipment. In other words, it's a receipt for the goods.
House bill of lading vs master bill of lading: [full guide]
2023年8月17日 · A House Bill of Lading (HBL) covers individual shipments within a consolidated container, issued by a freight forwarder to shippers whereas a Master Bill of Lading (MBL) covers the entire consolidated shipment, issued by the ocean carrier to the freight forwarder or NVOCC.
HBL (House Bill of Lading) - What is HBL (House Bill of Lading)?
HBL, or House Bill of Lading, is a document issued by a freight forwarder or non-vessel operating common carrier (NVOCC) to a shipper when goods are transported. The HBL serves as a receipt for the cargo, a contract of carriage, and a document of title.
House Bill of Lading and Master Bill of Lading Differences - IncoDocs
2024年2月16日 · House Bill of Lading (HBL) Explained. A House Bill of Lading (HBL) is a Bill of Lading document that is re-issued by a freight forwarder or a non-vessel operating common carrier (NVOCC). Freight forwarders are companies that buy freight space from carriers, like shipping lines or airlines, and then sell this space to their customers.
House Bill of Lading [HBL] - Format, Issuing Authority & Details
2022年5月4日 · House Bill of Lading is a formal acknowledgment that the carrier has received the consignment for shipment post-inspection. It is an assurance that the consignment damage-free and is ready to be shipped to the consignee. Any damage incurred during the shipping becomes the liability of the carrier.
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