什么是Sus和弦(挂留和弦) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Sus和弦,是suspended的缩写,这个单词是悬浮,挂留的意思,和弦中的三音通常 替换 为二音或四音的和弦。 本质上,假设我们采用C大音阶,它对应于以下7个音符:C – D – E – F – G – …
Suspended chord - Wikipedia
Suspended fourth and second chords can be represented by the integer notation {0, 5, 7} and {0, 2, 7}, respectively. The term is borrowed from the contrapuntal technique of suspension, …
what are sus chords? - Sus Chords 1 - suspended chords sus7 …
A sus7 chord often precedes a dominant chord built from the same Root. In lieu of a regular ii7-V7 we may find Vsus7-V7. In the key of C, instead of Dm7 - G7 we would get: Gsus7 - G7. The …
Asus7 Chord - JGuitar
JGuitar's handy chord search utility allows you to quickly draw chord diagrams for virtually any chord symbol. Just enter one or more chord symbols separated by commas into the search …
What is a Sus Chord? [A Guide To Suspended Chords] - The …
2021年8月9日 · Sus chords (short for suspended chords) are a type of chord that is neither major nor minor. Sus4 chords include a perfect 4th interval instead of a major or minor 3rd, while …
Sus2, Sus4, Sus7 or just plain Sus? I’m in Suspense!
2017年9月19日 · Sus7 is typically a shortcut for sus4 7, so a sus4 triad with a minor seventh: CFGBb. Sus4 maj7 is possible, but far less common. It would mostly be used in modern modal …
一次搞懂sus和弦!(中文字幕,第一部分) - 哔哩哔哩
经常看到sus和弦标记,可是到底怎么弹呢?| 黄健怡爵士钢琴22
sus和弦和属七和弦有什么区别。? - 知乎
2018年2月1日 · 譬如,Dsus7我会看作A7,这是因为Dsus7的和弦音是D G A C,而A7的色彩音是C#和G,两者的色彩音上只差个半音,很接近,可当作相同功能或相近功能,用于替代或趋近 …
sus7和弦什么意思 - 百度知道
2023年11月19日 · sus7和弦什么意思该和弦是挂留四音7和弦。在和弦中,通常会将三音替换为二音或四音。例如,以C大调为例,C大调和弦由C、E、G三个音符构成。而Csus7和弦则将C大 …