THK 技术支持网站 | THK
THK 技术支持网站为客户提供有用的信息,例如最佳产品选型工具、LM 滚动导轨、滚珠丝杠和滚珠花键等 CAD 数据、寿命计算和产品信息。
THK Official Web Site [Japan/English]
Using its original technology, THK was the first company in the world to commercialize the Linear Motion Guide, a product that uses rolling motion to achieve linear motion in machines. Throughout the years, we have continuously contributed to the …
Product Information|THK Official Web Site [Japan/English]
THK develops and manufactures mechanical components including the Linear Motion system, LM Guides, Ball Splines, Ball Screws, and electric actuators for our clients throughout the world. Also, we develop, manufacture, and distribute various mechatronics products, automobile parts, and seismic isolation systems.
THK America Official Online Store
Purchase THK products ONLINE, Linear Motion Guides, Actuators, Ball Screws, Cross Roller Rings, Linear Bushings, and even Custom Parts. 2D/3D & MSDS are also available.
THK Technical Support Site | THK
The THK Technical Support Site offers helpful information to customers, including an optimal product selection tool; CAD data for the LM Guide, ball screws, and ball splines; service life calculations; and product information.
THK Co., Ltd. - Wikipedia
THK Co., Ltd. is a Japanese company that offers machine elements and modules in the field of mechanical engineering, [1] robotics [2] and automation. The headquarters are in Tokyo. Since it was founded in April 1971, the company has developed into an international company.
ピッキングロボットハンドシステム PRS | THKの物流課題解決 | THK …
THKは、これまで困難といわれてきた機械の直線運動部のころがり化を独自の技術により実現し、1972年「直線運動案内(Linear Motion Guide – LMガイド)」として世界で初めて製品化しました。
回转支承在机械行业被称为“机器的关节”,是两物体之间的相对反转运动,能够承受轴向力,径向力,倾翻力矩的机械所需的重要传动原件。 THK提供精密滚珠丝杠滚珠花键,高速引动器,冲压引动器,LM滚动导轨,交叉滚柱轴环,引动器和其他机器人产品。 丝杠选型时要注意些什么? 我们选择丝杠的时候先假定一个型号。 要考虑到它的临界转速和DN值。 实际转速要根据使用情况而定。 是否可以单独购买LM滑块或者LM轨道? 购买套品时,通常对组装后的LM轨道与LM滑块进 …
日本THK直线导轨 (中国区)事业部官网|THK品牌滚珠丝杠及滑块深圳东莞总代理|THK …
日本THK直线导轨 (中国区)事业部官网 电话:13823263576 (厂家指定授权) 主营:直线导轨、滚珠丝杠、导轨滑块及直线轴承等,我们备有选型手册、型号资料样本齐全、产品等级高、参数性能好、价格报价相对较低、维修保养及相应的售后服务好,在深圳、东莞 ...
THK产品中心-THK直线导轨_THK滑块_THK丝杠_THK总代理_THK …