What is a Wug? - The Language Nerds
A wug is an imaginary cartoon creature created and first used by psycholinguist Jean Berko Gleason to test people’s ability to use the English plural morpheme*. The test usually involves …
这是一个wug,那这些是……|语言学午餐 - 手机鳳凰網
2018年7月12日 · 格里森发现,当儿童们看到“wug”这个本不存在的词并想将其变成复数时,他们会自动将其变成/wʌgz/而不是/wʌgs/或者/wʌgɨz/。 这些儿童很明显并没有学过清浊音的区别,更 …
wug - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2023年11月21日 · wug (plural chiefly wugs; see usage notes) (linguistics) An imaginary creature resembling a bird, used in the Wug Test to investigate the acquisition of the plural form in …
Jean Berko Gleason - Wikipedia
Gleason created the Wug Test, in which a child is shown pictures with nonsense names and then prompted to complete statements about them, and used it to demonstrate that even young …
儿童都是天生的语言创造家 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Wug测试表明幼儿从他们周围的语言中提取了规则,而不是简单地记住他们听过的单词。 这个测试在其他语言的孩子,双语儿童,以及各种障碍或来自不同文化背景的儿童(和成人)中得到了 …
2016年12月5日 · 用Wug检验语言能力的方法很简单,就是看图完成一道填空题。 图上只有一只Wug,下方文字是:This is a WUG(这是一只Wug)。 接下来的图则有两只Wug,文字 …
What Is the Wug Test? - ScholarshipInstitute.org
2024年8月27日 · The wug test is one of several tests that teachers can use to test a student’s mastery of phonetic skills. All of these types of examinations are part of a field called …
Wug test - Oxford Reference
5 天之前 · A test designed to investigate the acquisition of plural-formation and other rules of grammar. A child is presented with an imaginary object and is told, ‘This is a wug’. Then a …
Wug Store – The Official Wug Site
See the Wugs, Gutches and Kazhes that started it all! The Wug Test is a picture book for children and adults that uses invented nouns, verbs, and adjectives to illuminate what children know …
All You Need Is Wug | The Harvard Kenneth C ... - Harvard University
2021年2月22日 · The most common and regular grammatical forms are how they answer, and they mostly do it in the same way. It’s not just memorization or imitation. A four-year-old knows …