Cessna A-37 Dragonfly - Wikipedia
The Cessna A-37 Dragonfly, or Super Tweet, is a jet-powered, light attack aircraft designed and produced by the American aircraft manufacturer Cessna. It was developed during the Vietnam War in response to military interest in new counter-insurgency (COIN) aircraft to replace aging types such as the Douglas A-1 Skyraider .
A-37蜻蜓式攻擊機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
A-37蜻蜓式攻擊機是以1957年進入美國空軍服役的T-37鳴鳥式教練機為基礎開發的攻擊機,其作用主要用作應對越共游擊隊,越戰結束後,除了本土的空軍國民警衛隊使用外,大部分被佈署至駐巴拿馬的 美國空軍第830航空師 ( 英语 : 830th Air Division ) ,主要任務為 ...
A-37“蜻蜒”攻击机 - 百度百科
A-37蜻蜓式攻击机是以1957年进入 美国空军 服役的T-37鸣鸟式教练机为基础开发的攻击机,尤其要对付越共游击队。 本机于1967年投入越战,由于其优异的低空机动性和高出击率,在越战发挥了极大威力,越战后美国空军把A-37用于作为二线空军的空军 国民警卫队,直至1992年才退役,其他出口到南美洲的A-37继续参与当地的反游击战争, 韩国空军 使用本机作为表演机至2007年。 [1] A-37是在 T-37 基础上发展出的对地攻击型。 这个型号的出现和 越南战争 是密不可分 …
A-37蜻蜓式攻擊機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
A-37蜻蜓式攻擊機是以1957年進入美國空軍服役的T-37鳴鳥式教練機為基礎開發的攻擊機,其作用主要用作應對越共游擊隊,越戰結束後,除了本土的空軍國民警衛隊使用外,大部分被佈署至駐巴拿馬的 美國空軍第830航空師 ( 英語 : 830th Air Division ) ,主要任務為 ...
A-37蜻蜓式攻击机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
A-37蜻蜓式攻击机是以1957年进入美国空军服役的T-37鸣鸟式教练机为基础开发的攻击机,其作用主要用作应对越共游击队,越战结束后,除了本土的空军国民警卫队使用外,大部分被布署至驻巴拿马的 美国空军第830航空师 ( 英语 : 830th Air Division ) ,主要任务为 ...
1273. 遮天蜻蜓——A-37“蜻蜓”攻击机越战二三事_凤凰网
2024年8月16日 · 正在进行俯冲攻击的1架a-37,请注意其使用的武器并非常规的炸弹而是火箭弹 战斗在热带雨林上空 总体而言,在整个越战当中,驾驶A-37投入战斗的部队都保持了较高的士气和精神状态,而且飞行员之间乃至飞行员和其他人员之间都保持了相当不错的战友之情。
Cessna A-37 Dragonfly: The Forgotten Legend of Vietnam
2023年3月31日 · The Cessna A-37 Dragonfly is an American light attack aircraft. Developed from the T-37 Tweet basic trainer, which earned it the nickname, “Super Tweet,” it served with the US Air Force throughout the Vietnam War.
Cessna A-37 Dragonfly | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Cessna A-37 Dragonfly, or Super Tweet, is a United States light attack aircraft developed from the T-37 Tweet basic trainer in the 1960s and 1970s. The A-37 was introduced during the Vietnam War and remained in peacetime service afterward.
Cessna A-37 Dragonfly - National Museum of the USAF
Cessna A-37 Dragonfly From 1964-1966, the U.S. Air Force evaluated two modified T-37 trainers, designated YAT-37Ds, as prototypes for a counter-insurgency (COIN) attack/reconnaissance aircraft to use in Southeast Asia.
越战期间出动近两万架次的攻击机,美国A-37“蜻蜓” - 哔哩哔哩
t-37教练机是1952年由塞斯纳飞机公司开发的一款轻型、双座喷气式教练机,这款飞机也是美国空军首款采用喷气发动机作为动力的教练机。 该机采用全金属半硬壳式结构,机翼为悬臂式下单直翼设计。
Cessna A-37 Dragonfly (Super Tweet) - Military Factory
2019年8月20日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Cessna A-37 Dragonfly (Super Tweet) Light Attack / Observation and Control Aircraft including pictures.
Cessna A-37 Dragonfly Light Attack Aircraft - Military Machine
2020年1月1日 · Cessna A-37 Dragonfly twin-seat, light attack aircraft was introduced during the Vietnam War. Read about Cessna A-37 cost, speed, history & see images here.
About the Dragonfly - Supertweet
The Cessna A-37 Dragonfly, or Super Tweet, is a United States light attack aircraft developed from the T-37 Tweet basic trainer in the 1960s and 1970s. The A-37 served with distinction during the Vietnam War and in peacetime service afterwards.
塞斯纳A-37 “蜻蜓”式攻击机(图集) - 百家号
2024年7月31日 · 塞斯纳A-37“蜻蜓”轻型攻击机,广泛用于20世纪60-70年代,以机动性著称。 参与越南战争等冲突,提供重要空中支援。 退役后仍具历史意义,影响现代航空技术发展。 塞斯纳 A-37 “蜻蜓”是一种由美国飞机制造商塞斯纳公司设计和生产的轻型攻击机。 这种飞机在 20 世纪 60 年代和 70 年代被广泛使用,以其出色的机动性和适应性而闻名。 1984年5月14日一架OA-37B “蜻蜓”飞机。 照片由Bootneck Mike拍摄的越南战争遗迹博物馆。 A-37 “蜻蜓”的设计旨在满足美 …
Cessna A-37 Dragonfly - Warbird Alley
The T-37 "Tweet" had been in continuous service with the US Air Force since 1957, and had amassed an excellent service-reliability history. Two T-37Bs were tested with their original 1,025-lb thrust Continental J69 engines.
Cessna A-37 'Dragonfly' - Planes of Fame Air Museum
The A-37 Dragonfly helped set the standard for lightweight counterinsurgency (COI N) aircraft first employed during the Vietnam era. As America was drawn into the Vietnam conflict the Air Force began looking for inexpensive, lightweight and simple aircraft for use in …
A-37A Dragonfly - Museum of Aviation
Thirty-nine T-37Bs were rebuilt into A-37As. The follow-on version of the A-37B with air refueling capability installed totaled 577 aircraft. The A-37 was used with great success in Southeast Asia. The South Vietnamese Air Force was also equipped with the Dragonfly.
Cessna A-37 Dragonfly - War History
2021年1月7日 · In 1966 the USAF contracted Cessna to convert 39 T-37Bs to light attack A-37A Dragonfly standard. Apart from the GE turbojets, the A-37As introduced eight underwing hardpoints, extra fuel capacity in wingtip tanks, armour protection, attack avionics, larger wheels and tyres and an internal 7.62mm minigun.
A-37 Dragonfly - Global Aircraft
1 天前 · The A-37 was the only aircraft to undergo operational testing in actual combat. Stumble This! Bookmark on Delicious! Information and pictures on the aircraft, A-37 Dragonfly.
The A-37 Dragonfly in Vietnam - Defense Media Network
A history of the A-37 Dragonfly, which was used by the U.S. Air Force as a light attack aircraft during the Vietnam War.