ASTM A15 - Standard Specification for Billet-Steel Bars for …
Standard Specification for Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement (a) These specifications cover two classes of billet-steel concrete reinforcement bars: namely, plain and deformed. A deformed bar is defined as a bar which conforms to the latest issue of the...
History of Reinforcing Steel
ASTM A15 revised by adding grade 40. The American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHO) issued its first standard for concrete reinforcement, AASHO M 31. First hot-dip galvanized reinforcing bar specifications published, ASTM A123. ASTM A305 published; it included rebar deformation patterns.
England BS 2901-1 A15 / A 15 Datasheet, chemical ... - Steel Grades
England B.S. A15 Filler rods and wires for gas-shielded arc welding. Ferritic steels and Mechanical Properties, Chemical Element, Cross Reference. Datasheet for: Metals: A15 / A 15
—Thespecificationsforbillet-steelconcretereinforcementbars(A15-14) and for rail-steel concretereinforcementbars(A16-14) may beobtainedfrom theAmerican Societyfor Testing Materials, 1315Spruce Street,Philadelphia, Pa.
1950's Rebar Yield Strength - Structural engineering general …
2015年2月3日 · Based on research I have conducted, including reviewing ACI 318 in effect at that time, it seems likely the reinforcing steel is ASTM A15. This is helpful but ASTM A15 was available in 33 ksi, 40 ksi, and 50 ksi strengths. Does anyone know what reinforcing yield strength was typically specified in the early 1950's?
Structural Engineering: Re: Old Reinforcing Steel Grade - Blogger
According to CRSI, Evaluation of Reinforcing Bars in Old Reinforced Concrete Structures (Engineering Data Report Number 48), ASTM A15 rebar was in use from 1911 until 1966. It came in three grades: Grade 33, Grade 40, and Grade 50 …
England B.S. A15,及该型号钢材的基本信息、化学元素成分、机械性能、力学性能、热处理温度、同等型号参照表等
Grade 60 re i n f o r cing bars conforming to A615 are the most widely used type and grade of re i n f o rcing steel. A major revision in the 1981 edition of the A615 standard is the deletion of Grade 40 bar sizes #7 through #11. The s t a n d a r d now covers Grade 40 …
West Yorkshire Steel are suppliers of this low carbon steel grade in round bar and flat bar. 080A15 is a low carbon unalloyed steel commonly supplied as bright drawn bar. It is a good quality general engineering bright mild steel
ASTM-A15 | Specification for Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete ...
ASTM-A15 Specification for Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement (Withdrawn, 1969) Use ASTM-A615