A3144 Datasheet (PDF) - Allegro MicroSystems
霍尔效应传感器A3144磁力开关的基本操作和说明 - CSDN博客
2021年7月30日 · A3144是数字输出 霍尔传感器,这意味着如果它检测到磁体,则输出将变低电平,否则输出将保持高电平。 霍尔效应传感器要小得多,但比簧片开关能处理的电流要少。
A3144_JSMSEMI (杰盛微)_A3144中文资料_PDF手册_价格-立创商城
A3144由JSMSEMI (杰盛微)设计生产,立创商城现货销售。 A3144价格参考¥0.767。 JSMSEMI (杰盛微) A3144参数名称:工作电压:3.8V~40V;工作点 (Gs):60Gs;释放点 (Gs):40Gs;工作温度:-40℃~+125℃。
A3144 Hall Effect Sensor Pinout, Working, Alternatives & Datasheet
2018年1月3日 · A3144 is a digital output hall sensor, meaning if it detects a magnet the output will go low else the output will remain high. It is also mandatory to use a pull-up resistor as shown below to keep the output high when no magnet is detected.
AH3144E由南京艾驰设计生产,立创商城现货销售。 AH3144E价格参考¥1.11。 下载AH3144E中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册,有霍尔开关详细引脚图及功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
2005年10月31日 · The A3141– and A3142– are im-proved replacements for the UGN/UGS3140–; the A3144– is the improved replacement for the UGN/UGS3120–. The first character of the part number suffix determines the device operating temperature range. Suffix ‘E–’ is for the automotive and industrial temperature range of -40°C to +85°C.
The A3141– and A3142– are im-proved replacements for the UGN/UGS3140–; the A3144– is the improved replacement for the UGN/UGS3120–. The first character of the part number suffix determines the device operating temperature range. Suffix ‘E–’ is for the automotive and industrial temperature range of -40 C to +85 C. Suffix ‘L–’ is for the.
A3144 Hall Effect Sensor introduction working and pinout
What is A3144 Hall Effect Sensor? Hall effect sensor is a such type of integrated, non latching sensor which is widely used for identifying the magnet pole polarity. It’s one side identify one magnetic pole such as positive magnetic pole and other side identify other one magnetic pole such as negative magnetic pole.
A3144 霍尔传感器及其与 Arduino 配合使用的完整指南
2024年11月29日 · 了解如何将 A3144 霍尔传感器与 Arduino 结合使用来检测磁场。 探索组装、操作和实际应用。
A3144,A3144 pdf,A3144中文资料,A3144引脚图,A3144电 …
A3144 耐高压高灵敏度单极霍尔开关 1. 产品介绍 A3144单极霍尔效应开关,采用双极半导体 (Bipolar)工艺设计,包括霍尔电压发生器,可在3.8 至40V的电源电压下工作的稳压器,反向电压保护,温度补偿电路,小信号放大器,施密特触发器 和集电极开路输出。