(中文版) ASTM A694-2016高压传输用管法兰、管件、阀门和零 …
(中文版) astm a694-2016高压传输用管法兰、管件、阀门和零件用碳 钢和合金钢锻件标准规范(中文)
ASTM A694 Flange Specifications (Grade F52, F60, F65 ... - Octal Flange
ASTM A694 refers to the material of carbon and alloy steel pipe flanges, fittings, valves and parts for high pressure liquid transmissions. It covers material grades of F42, F46, F50, F52, F56, F60, F65 and F70. ASTM A694 have several grades from F42 to F70, and each grade is specified based on the minimum yield strength as below table 1. Table 1.
(高清正版) ASTM A694-16(2022) - 道客巴巴
内容提示: Designation: A694/A694M − 16 (Reapproved 2022)Standard Specif i cation forCarbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Pipe Flanges, Fittings,Valves, and Parts for High-Pressure Transmission Service 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation A694/A694M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or, in the case of revision, the ...
A694 Grade F60 - ASTM A694/A694M-2016 - 材数库
• 本标准适用于高压输送管线用锻制或轧制管法兰、锻制管件、阀门和零件。 包括买方规定的尺寸或按第2章列出的ASME和MSS尺寸标准制造的法兰、管件和类似零件。 • 所有锻件均应进行热处理。 碳钢和高强度低合金钢的热处理可以是正火、正火+回火或淬火+回火。 合金钢热处理为正火+沉淀时效或淬火+沉淀时效处理。 • 回火温度至少应为1000°F (540°C)。 合金钢沉淀时效处理的温度为1000~1225°F(540~655°C)。 • Cu、Ni、Cr、Mo、V、Cb (Nb)、B这些元素含量应报告 …
ASTM A694 Grade F60 High Yield Carbon Steel Pipe Flanges
astm a694 f60 flanges are carbon steel flanges of high yield. The F60 indicates the minimum yield strength in ksi. There are threaded and screwed flanges in this grade and specification of the flanges. Multi Metals (India) is a leading manufacturer of the astm a694 f60 flanges in various types and sizes. There are hot forged, rolled and ...
ASTM A694 Gr.F60是什么材质 - 百度知道
F60(2205,S32205)双相钢的屈服强度是奥氏体不锈钢的两倍,这一特性使设计者在设计产品时减轻重量,让这种合金比316,317L更具有价格优势。 这种合金特别适用于-50°F/+600°F 温度范围内。 超出这一温度范围的应用,也可考虑这种合金,但是有一些限制,尤其是应用于焊接结构的时候。 由于2205双相钢特殊的性能特色,应用范围很广, 至今是双相钢中大量使用最多的一个牌号。 1) *PREN值:%Cr + 3.3x%Mo + 16x%N, 2)红色元素与F51双相钢的区别。 三 …
ASTM A694 F52/F60/F65 Flanges - Piping & Pipeline
ASTM A694 forging flanges (F42, F46, F48, F50, F52, F56, F60, F65 and F70): scope, applications & product forms; chemical composition requirements; mechanical properties (tensile, hardness, Charpy impact); material, manufacture & heat treatment; coating & packaging.
ASTM A694 F60 Flanges and Forged Gr F60 Threaded Fittings
What Is ASTM A694 F60 Flanges? Since forging these components removes any form of porosities, gases and internal cavities there would be a reduction in the unexpected faults of ASME B16.5 A694 Gr F60 WNRF Flanges under stress, fatigue and impact. Lap joint flanges or as also referred to as loose flanges have a corresponding stub-end that that ...
ASTM A694、ASTM A694 F60、F65、F70、F52 法蘭規範
astm a694 是指高壓液體傳輸用碳鋼和合金鋼管法蘭、管件、閥門和零件的材料。 涵蓋F42、F46、F50、F52、F56、F60、F65、F70等材料牌號。 ASTM A694 F65 對焊法蘭,16″ RTJ 600# SCH80,MSS SP 44。
ASTM A694 F60 Flanges - High Pressure Pipe Fittings
ASTM A694 F60 Flanges have been made from low CS Grade. Get best price for forged A694 F60 Pipe Fittings, SA694 F60 RTJ Flanges, F60 Elbow Spec covers Fittings. Call Us: +91-90048 48833