Attach antenna tip caps to all exposed elements of the OE-254. Secure the tip caps with waterproof tape. Until the antenna tip caps have been installed, place a warning signal (Chem light, guard, or other signal) near the antenna elements during assembly, disassembly, or when the antenna elements are within reach, particularly at night.
This manual lists and authorizes spares and repair parts; special tools; special test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment (TMDE); and other special support equipment required for performance of organizational and direct support maintenance of the OE-254/GRC.
Attach antenna tip caps to all exposed elements of the OE-254. Secure the tip caps with waterproof tape. Until the antenna tip caps have been installed, place a warning signal (Chem light, guard, or other signal) near the antenna elements during assembly, disassembly, or when the antenna elements are within reach, particularly at night.
OE-254/GRC - RadioNerds
2015年3月4日 · additional files. tm 11-5985-357-13. operator’s, organizational, and direct support maintenance manual antenna group oe-254/grc (nsn 5985-01-063-1574)
OE-254/GRC - Ground Communications - RAMI - Antenna …
The OE-254/GRC is a broadband, omni-directional antenna for ground based communications and it is produced to military specifications. Made in the USA.
1.1 This specification covers production engineering, test and production of a broadband omni-directional VHF antenna system to be designated Antenna Group OE-254/GRC. The OE-254 is also referenced herein as: the antenna system. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS. 2.1 …
NSN 5985-01-063-1574: - ArmyProperty.com
The RAMI254 is a direct replacement for the OE-254/GRC Antenna Group. It is comprised of fewer piece parts, allowing for quicker assembly and erection, along with being capable of both VHF (30-88 MHz) and UHF (225-... (more) Login or signup to view FLIS detail for this item.
LIN A79381 : ANTENNA GROUP: OE-254 ()/GRC - ArmyProperty.com
LIN A79381 : ANTENNA GROUP: OE-254()/GRC . Number of associated NSN's: 4. Click here to view our complete list of LINs. Previous LIN A70772. ADAPTER TEST SET GUIDED MISSILE SYSTEM: (TOW GROUND) Next LIN > A79449. ANTENNA GROUP: OE-303/GRC. NSN Nomenclature Action; 5985-01-063-1574:
OE-254/GRC Long-Range Military Communications Antenna, NSN …
Artwork detailing assembly and erection procedures and stowing instructions are sewed integral with the bag. The Antenna Group OE-254/GRC is designed for use in all climates and terrains. …
OE-254 30 - 88 MHz Antenna - PRC68.com
2000年12月28日 · The OE-254/GRC is a biconical antenna that uses a Balun (BALanced to UNbalanced transformer) to match the 50 Ohm coax line and radio to the 200 Ohm antenna. It covers the 30 to 88 MHz frequency range without any element adjustments and therefore is said to have an instantaneous bandwidth.