9A-91 - Wikipedia
The 9A-91 is a gas operated, rotating bolt weapon, which utilizes a long stroke gas piston, located above the barrel, and a rotating bolt with 4 lugs. The receiver is made from steel stampings; …
A-91 - Wikipedia
The A-91 is a Russian bullpup assault rifle developed by the KBP Instrument Design Bureau during the 1990s. It is an evolution of the earlier 9A-91 carbine, primarily designed to be …
9A-91 | FirearmCentral Wiki | Fandom
The 9A-91 is a Russian assault carbine developed in the 1990s by the KBP Instrument Design Bureau. It was developed as a cheaper alternative to the AS. The 9A-91 has seen prototypes …
AN-94 - Wikipedia
The initials stand for Avtomat Nikonova model of 1994, after its chief designer Gennadiy Nikonov, who previously worked on the Nikonov machine gun. The name Абака́н refers to the Siberian …
A-91 - Wikiwand
The A-91 is a Russian bullpup assault rifle developed by the KBP Instrument Design Bureau during the 1990s. It is an evolution of the earlier 9A-91 carbine, primarily designed to be …
机枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
機槍為了滿足連續射擊的穩定需要,通常備有 兩腳架 及可安裝在 三腳架 或固定槍座上,主要發射步槍彈或更大口徑(10-20mm)專用機槍 子彈,能快速連續射擊,以掃射為主要攻擊方式, …
白朗寧M2重機槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
白朗寧M2重機槍採用大口徑 12.7×99毫米NATO (.50 BMG) 彈藥,它有高火力、彈道平穩及射程極遠的優點,450—550發/分鐘(二戰 時型號為600—1,200發/分鐘)的射速及 後座作用 …
A-91 | NATO Wiki | Fandom
The A-91 is a Russian bullpup configuration assault rifle developed by KBP. The rifle features an integrated 40 mm grenade launcher, which is mounted under the barrel (though older models …
9A-91 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The 9A-91 is a gas operated, rotating bolt weapon, which utilizes a long stroke gas piston, located above the barrel, and a rotating bolt with 4 lugs. The receiver is made from steel stampings; …
Carcano M91 Bolt Action Rifle Parts Kit - Main Website
Each EveryGunPart parts kit comes in our unique vacuum sealed packaging...