AAF Group of companies
We offer comprehensive, innovative air filtration solutions designed to remove and control airborne particulates and gaseous contaminants in residential, commercial, industrial, cleanroom, transportation, and nuclear power applications.
AAF International
AAF is a dust collection innovator, keeping people safe & processes running efficiently. We create filters and other clean air products to help you protect your family, friends & home from allergens, dust, odors and other pollutants.
About AAF | Leading Air Filtration Company | AAF
AAF is the world’s largest manufacturer of air filtration solutions, operates production, warehousing, and distribution in 22 countries. Global leader in clean air solution for years
aaf国际公司成立于1921年,拥有百年的卓越工业历史,是一家国际化的集团性空气过滤器制造商。 公司的生产、仓储和配送设施及售后服务遍布四大洲 22 个国家,员工总数逾6300人。
Americas Locations - AAF International
We're here to help. Connect to clean air solutions for your indoor environment. American Air Filter makes it easy.
About Us - AAF International
The AAF and Flanders Group of Companies. AAF Flanders, the world’s largest manufacturer of air filtration solutions, operates production, warehousing and distribution facilities in 22 countries across four continents.
US Homepage - AAF International
For over a century, AAF has been committed to supplying best-in-class products and technologies that protect people, products and equipment while still delivering solutions that minimize impact and protect our environment.
关于我们-品牌故事 – AAF(爱美克空气过滤器)
Reed 空气过滤器公司与另外七家公司合作,正式成立美国空气过滤器公司 (AAF)。 AAF 推出了 D型离心集尘机,这也是工业除尘的一次革命性突破。 大金成功合成氟碳化合物,并于1942年开始量产。 AAF 发明了第一个高效的箱式过滤器。 AAF 在肯塔基州新开另外两家工厂,扩大生产。 AAF 进军加拿大和欧洲等海外市场。 AAF 发明玻璃纤维过滤器,应用于住宅市场。 Flanders品牌过滤器在美国正式成立。 大金开始生产空调。 AAF 正式推出 Roll-O-Mat,这是第一款卷帘过 …
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Founded in 2008, AAF Group is a dedicated impact investment management firm headquartered in Tel Aviv. The group manages Venture Capital funds that seek to generate strong financial returns by deploying capital in game changing technology companies that address critical global needs in the fields of smart Agriculture, Food and Water.
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AAF Group is a family-owned business, first established in 1979 and has an excellent record of consistent growth and entrepreneurship. The company was founded based on the values of supporting...