Assault Amphibious Vehicle - Wikipedia
The Assault Amphibious Vehicle[2][3] (AAV)—official designation AAVP-7A1 (formerly known as Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Personnel-7 abbr. LVTP-7)—is a fully tracked amphibious landing vehicle manufactured by U.S. Combat Systems (previously by United Defense, a former division of FMC Corporation). [4][5]
AAV-7兩棲突擊車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
AAV-7兩棲突擊車 (英語: Amphibious Assault Vehicle)是 美國海軍陸戰隊 一款全 履帶 式 兩棲登陸 戰車,由FMC公司所製造。 本車現為美國海軍陸戰隊的主要兩棲兵力運輸工具,水平線外「艦—岸」登陸運動中,AAV-7扮演由兩棲登陸艦艇上運輸登陸部隊及其裝備上岸的角色;登陸上岸後,登陸部隊則將其當作一輛裝甲運兵車使用,為其提供戰場火力支援。
AAV7系列两栖战车 - 百度百科
AAV7车体为5083铝合金装甲板整体焊接式全密封结构,能防御轻武器、弹片和光辐射烧伤。 车体外形呈流线型,能克服3m高的海浪并能整车浸没入波浪中10~15s。 驾驶员和车长一前一后位于车前左侧,各有1个单扇后开舱盖和7个观察镜,可以进行360°观察。 驾驶员配有M24红外液视潜望镜,车长前方有1个可升高的M17C潜望镜,以便越过驾驶员舱盖观察前方 [2]。 动力舱位于车首中央、驾驶员右侧,动力通过带闭锁装置的变矩器传递到HS-400-1液压 双流 转向、动力换挡的综 …
AAV7 Amphibious Assault Vehicle | Military.com
Designed to assault any shoreline from the well decks of Navy assault ships, AAVs are highly mobile, tracked armored amphibious vehicles that transport Marines and cargo to and through hostile...
Assault Amphibious Vehicle (AAV) - BAE Systems
Introduced in 1984, the BAE Systems Assault Amphibious Vehicle, AAV7A1 has earned a reputation for rugged durability and superior mobility for transporting troops and cargo from ship to shore.
AAVP7A1 - AmTrac
Under this AAV Reliability, Availability, Maintainability/Rebuild to Standard (AAV RAM/RS) plan, the AAVP7A1 will inherit the engine and transmission of the M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle. All Rights Reserved.
Spotlight - team-yankee.com
The AAVP7 (Assault Amphibious Vehicle, Personnel Mark 7) is a fully tracked amphibious landing vehicle used by the assault amphibian battalions to land the infantry assault elements and equipment during amphibious operation. They can also conduct mechanized operations ashore. Check out the AAVP-7 Platoon in the store...
Assault Amphibian Vehicle Personnel Model 7A1 (AAVP7A1)
The AAVP7 RAM/RS (Reliability, Availability and Maintainability/Rebuild to Standard) system provides superior mobility for transporting troops and cargo from ship to shore.
美国AAVP7系列两栖突击车(附图) - 新浪军事频道
2002年3月23日 · 美国海军陆战队计划用M2步兵战车的发动机和传动系统改装部分AAVP7以延长其服役期限,但是AAVP7最终将被新研制的AAAV高速两栖突击车代替。 (克锋)
Amphibious Assault Vehicle
Protection for vehicle side and slope, troop compartment overhead, and slope rack kit for sponson stowage of OEM. Attachment: boss and joint offset method. Material: homogeneous harden steel, rubber, mild steel composite. Boss offset from hull (no armor): 0.75 in per side. Maximum offset from hull: 8.50 in per side.