Bell 212 - Wikipedia
The Bell 212 (also known as the Bell Two-Twelve) is a two-blade, twin-engine, medium helicopter that first flew in 1968. Originally manufactured by Bell Helicopter in Fort Worth, Texas, United …
贝尔-212直升机 (Bell-212 Helicopter)是美国 贝尔直升机公司 在UH-1基础上发展的军民两用通用型直升机。 主要用于载客、救护、近海石油开发等任务。 民用型贝尔-212,又称“双212” (拥有 …
Agusta-Bell AB 212 ASW - Wikipedia
L' Agusta-Bell AB 212 ASW (Anti Submarine Warfare) è un elicottero antisommergibile medio biturbina con rotore a due pale, sviluppato dall' Agusta sulla base dell' AB 212, che l'azienda …
Misión: Helitransporte fuerzas de infantería de marina y guerra anfibia. Fabricante / País: Bell Helicopter Textron EEUU y Augusta (Italia). Tripulación: 4 (piloto, copiloto, jefe de tripulación, …
Agusta-Bell AB-212ASW | Weaponsystems.net
The AB-212ASW is a late Cold War era anti-submarine warfare helicopter of Italian origin. Is a dedicated ASW helicopter based on the Bell 212 airframe. The Bell 212 was license produced …
AB 212 ASW - Marina Militare
Capable of performing ASW and ASuW missions, the AB-212 has been subjected to particular anticorrosion treatments to be employed aboard naval vessels for long periods. Mission …
The Italian Air Force Bids Farewell To The AB-212 Helicopter
2024年2月22日 · A medium helicopter with a two-bladed rotor powered by two 1,342 kW Pratt & Whitney PT6T turbines, the AB-212 is a type of helicopter derived from the 205 model from …
Bell 212 - Helis.com
The Bell 212 Twin Two-Twelve is a two-bladed, twin-engined, medium helicopter developed from the Bell 205 ( Huey ) powered by a, then revolutionary, Pratt & Whitney Canada Twin-Pac …
Agusta Bell AB-212 ASW Helicopter Italian Navy Marina
Anti-submarine warfare, anti-shipping version of the AB 212 helicopter, built under license in Italy by Agusta. Operated by the Italian Navy, Hellenic Navy and Islamic Republic of Iran Navy, …
Agusta AB212 - Helis.com
Enhanced CSAR variant used by 9th Stormo, 21st Gruppo Italian Air Force. Shipborne based variant for Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), Anti-surface warfare (ASuW) and Search and …