California Legislative Information
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Assembly Bill (AB) 48 | City of San Diego Official Website
Effective January 1, 2022, AB 48 amended Penal Code 16352 to ban the use of kinetic energy projectiles and chemical agents by law enforcement agencies to disperse any assembly, …
AB 48 – Restricts Law Enforcement Use Of Less-Lethal Munitions …
2021年11月3日 · As a general rule, the bill prohibits the use of “kinetic energy projectiles” (such as rubber or plastic bullets, or “beanbag” rounds) and “chemical agents” (such as tear gas, …
Bill Text: CA AB48 | 2021-2022 | Regular Session | Amended
(1) Existing law authorizes a peace officer to use reasonable force to effect the arrest, to prevent escape, or to overcome resistance. Existing law requires law enforcement agencies to …
California Assembly Bill 48 - Police Department
Effective January 1, 2022, California Assembly Bill 48 (AB 48) amended Penal Code 16352 to ban the use of kinetic energy projectiles and chemical agents by law enforcement agencies to …
AB 48 | San Bernardino, CA - sbcity.org
With the passage of Assembly Bill 48 and in accordance with Section 13652.1 of the California Penal Code, each law enforcement agency must, within a specified timeframe, post on its …
Newsom approves sweeping police reforms in California - Los Angeles Times
2021年9月30日 · Newsom also said he is signing AB 48, a measure that addresses complaints during the last year of demonstrations over police force cases, including the Floyd killing. …
California state law AB 48 limits police weapons for crowd control
AB 48 restricts the use tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets, and other “less lethal” weapons for crowd control, except “if the use is objectively reasonable to defend against a threat to life or …
CA AB48 | 2021-2022 | Regular Session - LegiScan
Action: 2021-09-30 - Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 404, Statutes of 2021. An act to amend Section 12525.2 of the Government Code, and to add Sections 13652 and 13652.1 to …
2012年12月20日 · ASSEMBLY BILL No. 48 Introduced by Assembly Member Skinner (Coauthor: Assembly Member Ammiano) (Coauthor: Senator De León) December 20, 2012 An act to …