AC PDB - FusionDC1000A 预制一体化数据中心 V100R021C00 产 …
AC PDB向气体灭火控制器、风扇、插座等设备供电的控制盒,为户内式交流配电盒。
PDB480C-AC - Fiber Coupled Balanced Amp. Photodetector, 1.6
PDB480C-AC Fiber Coupled Balanced Amp. Photodetector, 1.6 GHz, InGaAs, 1300 nm, AC Coupled
プラグインMCCBで分岐回路の容量変更が容易で、データセンター向けに実績豊富なAC用分電盤です。 マルチメータによる電圧・電流・電力などの監視が可能です。 【株式会社昭電のファシリティ製品】AC用分電盤のAC-PDBをご紹介します。 SDW-APDB型は、データセンター向けAC用分電盤として実績豊富な製品です。 プラグインMCCBで分岐回路の容量変更が容易な製品 …
AC PDB - FusionDC1000A Prefabricated All-in-One Data Center …
The AC PDB is an indoor AC power distribution box which controls power supply to devices, such as the gas extinguishing controller, fan, and socket.
PDBePISA is an interactive tool for the exploration of macromolecular interfaces. Retrieve pre-calculated results for the whole PDB archive. search the PDB archive for particular interfaces formed by structural homologs. We welcome your feedback!
Power PDB - FusionDC1000A 预制一体化数据中心 V100R021C00
AC PDB. 制冷系统. 管理系统. 消防系统. 防雷接地. 综合布线. 缩略语. 4.8 Power PDB. 图4-23 Power PDB ...
What does ACPDB stand for? - Abbreviations.com
Find out what is the full meaning of ACPDB on Abbreviations.com! 'Alternate Current Power Distribution Box' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource.
電源関連製品シリーズ(株式会社昭電)のカタログ無料ダウン …
直 流 電 AC-PDB 源 ユ ニ ッ ト データセンター向けAC用分電盤として実績豊富 直 プラグインMCCBで分岐回路の容量変更が容易で、データセンター向けに実績 流 電 源 豊富なAC用分電盤です。 マルチメータによる電圧・電流・電力などの監視が可 装 置 能です。
AlphaFold Protein Structure Database
AlphaFold DB provides open access to over 200 million protein structure predictions to accelerate scientific research. AlphaFold is an AI system developed by Google DeepMind that predicts a protein’s 3D structure from its amino acid sequence. It regularly achieves accuracy competitive with experiment.
Balanced Amplified Photodetectors with Fast Monitor Output
2024年12月23日 · Our highest bandwidth balanced detectors (PDB480C-AC, PDB481C-AC, and PDB482C-AC) are offered in an AC version only. They offer bandwidths up to 2.5 GHz, leading to considerable speed improvements. The ultra-low-distortion output stage supports up to a 2 V p-p A/D card input range, which, combined with the fiber-coupled design, improves the ...
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