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Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP) is a not-for-profit international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and public discussion of studies investigating Earth's atmosphere and the underlying chemical and physical processes.
关于大气环境类ACP和ACPD,AMT和AMTD投稿的问题 - 论文投稿
发现他们的投稿流程是:先给副主编,认可后发到acpd或者amtd上公开,同时送给审稿人评审,最后才决定acp或者atm是否录用。 这个模式,以前真没碰到过。
ACPD - Intercomparison of wind observations from ESA's …
2021年2月11日 · In this study, we verify and intercompare the wind observations from ESA’s satellite mission Aeolus and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) fifth generation atmospheric reanalyses (ERA5) with radiosonde (RS) observations over China, to allow a fitting application of Aeolus winds.
Here, we com-pare simulations conducted with the ECHAM5-wiso model with three types of water vapour isotopic data obtained dur-ing summer 2012 at the forest site of Kourovka, Western. 20 based FTIR total atmospheric columnar Dv amounts, and in situ hourly Picarro Dv measurements.
我粗略估算了一下,文章投到acpd被接收之后,在open review阶段被reject的比例约20%。 也就是说,如果能在acpd发表,最终被acp接收的可能性很大。 因为acpd要收取不菲的版面费,目前又增加了润色修改的服务费,所以投稿这个杂志面临很大的风险:交了钱,还不一定 ...
About Us – U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy
Since 1948, Congress has charged the United States Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy (ACPD) with appraising activities intended to understand, inform, and influence foreign publics and to increase the understanding of, and support for, these same activities.
Two variants of the PD technique exist, alternating current potential drop (ACPD) and direct current potential drop (DCPD). The salient qualities of each technique are summarised overleaf.
用多频交流电势降技术确定金属底部裂纹深度的新方 …
acpd作为一种测量金属裂纹尺寸的有效方法,已被应用于评价金属结构。 然而,我们对大多数可用方法的回顾表明,在通过 ACPD 测量金属底部裂纹深度方面可以进行一些改进,例如浅裂纹的准确性和灵敏度。
trans-ACPD | GluR | TargetMol
trans-ACPD ((±)-trans-ACPD) is an equimolecular mixture of (1S, 3R)- and (1R, 3S)-ACPD. trans-ACPD is a selective agonist of the mGluR (metabotropic glutamate receptor); active at the group I/II mGlu receptors (EC50: 2/15/23/800 μM, mGluR2/1/5/4).
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