ACR score - Wikipedia
The ACR score is more often used in clinical trials than in doctor patient-relationships, as it allows a common standard between researchers. Different degrees of improvement are referred to as ACR20, ACR50, ACR70.
Official ACR20/50/70 | American College of Rheumatology 20/50…
Access the Official American College of Rheumatology 20/50/70 Response Criteria (ACR20/50/70) by Felson DT, distributed by Mapi Research Trust | ePROVIDE, and up-to-date information on copyright, licensing, scoring, translations.
类风湿关节炎常用疾病活动度评估方法 - 知乎
参照以上标准,如果改善程度≥50%或≥70%,则称为达到ACR50或ACR70。 其中ACR20在临床试验评估中被视为金标准,能有效区分某种治疗方式或治疗药物的疗效,这也是FDA用于评定RA新型药物疗效的工具。
ACR Response Criteria in Rheumatoid Arthritis Clinical Trials
2024年9月25日 · This article explores the application of ACR response criteria in clinical trials, focusing on the various response levels—ACR20, ACR50, and ACR70—and the methods used to analyse treatment responses over time.
2024年3月8日 · ACR20缓解是指肿胀和压痛关节数均减少≥20%,并且核心组合其余5项指标中至少有3项改善≥20%;自1995年起,ACR20已成为大多数临床试验的标准指标。 早期尝试定义最小缓解要求的一个例子是Paulus标准。 这些标准构成了ACR缓解标准的基础,ACR缓解标准在最初版本中制定了疾病活动度改善20%所要求的各项指标(表1)。 表1 美国风湿病学会20%的改善标准 (ACR20) 50%和70%的ACR反应 (分别为ACR50和ACR70)表明各自至少提高了50%或70% …
ACR标准用于评估和确定肿胀或肿胀关节数的改善,同时改善以下五个参数中的三个: 急性期反应物: 由C反应蛋白或沉淀率决定的关节内有多少炎症。
ACR Diagnostic Guidelines - Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center
The Guidelines clearly recommend bone mineral density testing for individuals over age 50 years with at least one major risk factor or two or more minor risk factors.
类风湿关节炎疾病活动度研究进展 - 中华风湿病学杂志
ACR-N值中位数为60时是指病情改善优于ACR50,又趋向于ACR70,较传统的ACR缓解标准提供更多病情评估信息。 我们将ACR-N值制成受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线下面积(AUC),研究采用ACR-N AUC与DAS AUC曲线评估早期RA患者病情变化时,发现前者与临床结果并不完全相符 …
The ACR criteria require meeting a threshold of 20% change in RA activity measures, with 50%, and 70% improvement also commonly reported. The ACR hybrid measure was developed to capture gradations of response between and beyond these specific thresholds, although many studies continue to rely on ACR20, ACR50, and ACR70 responses (3).
ACR 50 Response - Medical Dictionary
A measure—based on American College of Rheumatology criteria—of at least a 50% improvement in the number of tender and swollen joints, and a 50% improvement in at least 3 of the following: the patient’s global assessment of disease status; the patient’s assessment of pain; the patient’s assessment of function—measured using the ...