Let's talk about the ACS12 : r/Rainbow6TTS - Reddit
2021年7月10日 · At the end, the current state of the ACS12 is not good. Even after the buffs on the test server it cannot compete with the other weapons of Maestro and Alibi. I would rater buff the damage to old TCSG and the recoil much, make it a real shot gun at close range or rise the fire rate to 400-450 rpm. Thanks for reading and good night.
Is the ACS12 Shotgun good? : r/Rainbow6 - Reddit
2019年9月8日 · The Rainbow 6 Discord is open: https://discord.gg/rainbow6 Welcome to the Rainbow Six subreddit, a community for R6 fans to discuss Rainbow Six Siege and past favorites. Members Online The Coordinates in Deimos' Glasses are for the Ubisoft Studio in Montreal
Why is the ACS12 so bad now? : r/Rainbow6 - Reddit
The AA-12 is a powerful weapon and Ubisoft included it but doesn't want to make it usable because if it becomes usable, people will endlessly complain about it. "OMFG GUYS, NERF ACS12 NERF NERF NERF ENRF" It's like back in the day with BF3's frag slugs USAS-12. I'm deadass here when I say that the ACS12 should have been Maestro's gadget weapon.
From an ACS12 Alibi main: Changing to Slugs is a Mistake
2020年6月2日 · The ACS12 at launch was so great, it provided great utility prep phase, offered mobility options, Late Game rotation was a second of blasting a vault or hatch with 27 more rounds in reserve, and for long range you have the best …
Aight man is there anyone out here who really thinks the ACS12 is ...
The Rainbow 6 Discord is open: https://discord.gg/rainbow6 Welcome to the Rainbow Six subreddit, a community for R6 fans to discuss Rainbow Six Siege and past favorites. Members Online Lilkxdude14
Why You Should Use The ACS-12 More Often! : r/Rainbow6 - Reddit
2021年9月19日 · The Rainbow 6 Discord is open: https://discord.gg/rainbow6 Welcome to the Rainbow Six subreddit, a community for R6 fans to discuss Rainbow Six Siege and past favorites. Members Online Ubisoft needs to do another balance pass on shotguns.
Will the ACS12 actually become a thing now? : r/R6ProLeague
2020年5月29日 · EDIT: What's up with the downvotes lmao, the ACS12 is definitely much better than the Baliff when it comes to making rotations and it's not even something that's up to debate, the fact that it's a slug shotgun (With similar destruction capabilities to the TCSG12) doesn't mean much when you are comparing it to a "shotgun" that only shoots half ...
Is the ACS12 Slug Shotgun insane, or am I trippin? lol
2024年3月27日 · I’m fairly new to r6, and I was in the shooting range just testing out some of the recoil patterns of most weapons, and randomly decided to try the Shotgun for Maestro/Alibi, and it felt absolutely insane to me lmao. Started using it in a few games, and it completely shreds people, but I don’t think I’ve seen a single other player use the ...
ACS12 or 9x19VSN when playing Azami? : r/SiegeAcademy - Reddit
2023年7月1日 · The Acs12 is better for holding long angles and neither impacts nor the deagle make up for a shotgun. Infact these days the only reason I pick impacts on an op is either cause they are a roamer, the enemy team has been taking Monty or Osa, or they work well with the ops gadget the a point not taking them is kinda stupid.
the ACS-12 SHOULD be OP... or at least better then it is now
2020年8月10日 · The Rainbow 6 Discord is open: https://discord.gg/rainbow6 Welcome to the Rainbow Six subreddit, a community for R6 fans to discuss Rainbow Six Siege and past favorites. Members Online Leaks from Frax come to an end today.