Help with the Microsoft account recovery form
Filling in the account recovery form can take time: try the account Sign-in Helper tool first. The steps below will help guide you when filling out the account recovery form. It can be a lengthy process as it's designed to ask questions about your account that only you can answer. Microsoft will review your answers and respond within 24 hours.
Recover your Microsoft account using the Online Validation Form(ACSR)
2019年7月4日 · Fill out the recovery form. 1. Go to https://account.live.com/acsr and provide the email address, phone number, or username for the account you are trying to recover. 2. Follow the images below to fill out the first page of the form and enter the characters you see on the screen to prove you're not a robot, then select Next. 3.
Microsoft 帐户恢复代码 - Microsoft 支持
Microsoft帐户恢复代码是一个 25 位代码,用于帮助你在忘记密码或帐户遭到入侵时重新获得对帐户的访问权限。 通过选择下面的按钮,转到Microsoft帐户安全仪表板的 “管理登录方式 ”页。 向下滚动到“恢复代码”部分,然后选择“ 生成新代码 ”。 警告: 创建新恢复代码后,以前的任何代码将不再有效。 打印恢复代码并将其保存在安全的地方。 出于安全考虑,请勿将代码存储在用于登录帐户的设备上。 如何实现下载我的Microsoft帐户恢复代码? 无法检索或下载现有Microsoft帐户 …
Microsoft account recovery code - Microsoft Support
How do I download my Microsoft account recovery code? You cannot retrieve or download an existing Microsoft account recovery code: If you can sign in, you can create a new recovery code at any time using the steps above. If you cannot sign in, use the Microsoft account sign-in helper.
Microsoft account | 立即登录或创建帐户 – Microsoft
获取 Outlook、Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint 的免费联机版本的访问权限。 保存文件和照片,并从任意位置通过任何设备访问。 赚取积分,以兑换礼品卡、向非营利组织捐赠和参加抽奖活动 …
Windows Live
Recover your Windows Live username.
How to locate ACSR number? - Microsoft Community
2018年2月10日 · If you need to locate where is your ACSR number (Issue number). ACSR number is the reference number of the account validation form (https://account.live.com/acsr) …
Tips on How to Pass the Online Validation Form or the Account Recovery ...
2017年5月31日 · To access the Online Validation Form, you will need to go to https://account.live.com/acsr and follow the instructions below. You will be asked of the following info as shown on the picture below. On the first box, You will need to enter the email address that you want to recover or to regain access.
ACSR个人评级系统注册简易教程 - 哔哩哔哩
1、登录STEAM社区,https://steamcommunity.com/ (如不能登录,建议使用网易UU加速器:https://uu.163.com/)。 2、登录ACSR官网,https://acsr.assettocorsaservers.com/。 3、点击右上角sign in进行绑定。 4、点击登录完成绑定。 5、绑定成功后,ACSR官网进入Account,可修改游戏ID,建议别用中文,会出现404访问不了的问题。 6、如遇到点击Save后显示404错误,说明与Steam未正式绑定,可点击Delete Account后进行重新绑定。 TopRace模拟竞速AC群 …
My Account
Reset your Microsoft account password quickly and securely.
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